
Imagine Early Learning Centers @ Dumbo
Imagine Early Learning Centers @ Dumbo


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Reviews (1)

  • Review from the Fall 2021 Early Childhood Education Survey

    Type of facility: daycare, 3k, 4k Review: Great teachers, employee owned and they really do seem to care a lot about their employees. Small, family vibe. Encourage parent involvement and foster a community by inviting parents to events during the school day from time to time (outdoors due to covid) and have a monthly zoom parent advisory board meeting where parents can speak directly to the Director and each other. Lots of communication from the Director and teachers. They answer e-mails same day and always manage to have time to speak at pickup / drop off. There is also an app that tells us in great detail what the kids do throughout the day along with some photos and videos and notes from the teacher. Play based even though they have to get through the DOE's curriculum for the Universal 3k / 4k class. It has been almost a year and my 3 year old absolutely loves it. 3k/4k lunches seem to be healthier and better ingredients that what is offered in public schools and the hours work out better for me (9:30 - 3:50) compared to public school which starts and ends earlier. They do have wrap around hours for those who need them. They take the kids outside pretty often when the weather is nice and have a music teacher who comes every other week (I think there was more of this pre-covid). Downside is that Dumbo is incredibly noisy! What amenities does the facility provide? Has after-school options, Has early morning hours, Provides meals What would you change about the program, if anything, and why? location Is there anything you would like to add about how the school handled the pandemic? excellent covid protocols and communication. no covid cases or shutdowns.

