
Harvey Kraus of Walnut Investments Services, LLC
Harvey Kraus of Walnut Investments Services, LLC


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Reviews (4)

  • ISO: accountant

    We’ve been using Harvey Kraus (8th Ave near 11th street) for years. A really great guy!
  • Re: ISO Affordable CPA / Tax Preparer?

    We work with Harvey Kraus, of Walnut Investments. 8th Avenue and 11th Street. He's knowledgeable and friendly. Helps us with our tax prep, personal and business.
  • (no subject)

    I would wholeheartedly recommend Harvey. Yes he talks a lot, but he's got great stories. Don't expect to be in and out of the office quickly. he's great, knows his stuff and we love him! Our taxes are pretty straight forward, but I think he would be up to tougher stuff. (Recommended 2/10)
  • (no subject)

    We've used Harvey for several years for our taxes. We like him. Our taxes are fairly standard-issue -- not too complex and we aren't 'high resource' customers but he gives us very focused and personalized attention. Definitely no vibe of 'judgment' or 'prickliness.' He seems smart about $ but not snakey or sharky. Decent guy. Knows the neighborhood and lots of people in it. He is very personable and relaxed - read: your meetings with him will not be quick or rushed...even if you want them to be! (Recommended 2/10)

