
- Park Slope
396 6th Avenue, Brooklyn 11215, NY
See Map | Get Directions - www.haabnyc.com
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Reviews (4)
Vegan Park Slope
For Mexican food, both Haab and Chela have delicious vegan options!Supporting local restaurant— question
Haab was also good.Re: Lunch with Toddler
we've been there twice now, and they have been good with our kids.Shout out for new restaurant: Haab Park Slope
I have no affiliation with this restaurant other than being a happy customer. Haab is an established Mexican restaurant in Williamsburg, and they've just opened a new place in the formerly Lucky Lou's/Loli's Taqueria space on 7th street and 6th avenue. We ordered what turned out to be two enormous, delicious burritos. Very flavorful, very fresh - we're thrilled to have a good option for Mexican nearby and hope otherwise will patronize so that it is a lasting success!