Greenwood Park Beer Garden
- South Slope
555 7th Ave, Brooklyn 11215, NY
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Reviews (7)
Anything like pig beach??
Greenwood Park is a beer garden with lots of space and food.2018 Review
Always baby friendly and they will reserve tables if available.Summary and thanks: Looking for party space for adults
Greenwood Park (7th ave& 19th st) also has a huge outdoor/indoor space. I am not sure what the deal is with parties/food, but both times I was there parts of the yard were sectioned off for private parties.Latest meetups for Moms
Recommended without full reviewOn 10-Mar-2013
Recommended by PSP Member without reviewRe: ISO Adult Birthday Location
Greenwood Park is good choice, on 7th Ave btw 19th and 20th streets. Easy access by bus B65/B67 (free transfer from 7th Ave subway) Large beer garden with bocce courts, great bar food also. Outdoor beer service with pitchers available. Full bar service available inside with A/C in case thge heat game gets too much Kid friendly up to 6pm. But I recommend getting their early to get a table.[PSP] Laid back bar for a date?
Also try Greenwood Park. Lots of space on nice days and delicious food and bocce ball too!