Grace Church School
- Brooklyn Heights
254 Hicks Street, New York 11201, New York, Kings County
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Reviews (1)
Review from the Fall 2021 Early Childhood Education Survey
Type of facility: Preschool Review: We love this program - it takes place in a beautiful garden and feels very safe. The teacher (Susie) is fantastic with years of experience. We appreciate the focus on transitions between activities, and the songs and stories. Our daughter's nanny usually brings her, so I've only been a few times, but it has been a nice way to meet a few parents in the neighborhood. What amenities does the facility provide? Has outdoor space What would you change about the program, if anything, and why? They provide the snack - things like goldfish or graham crackers. We try really hard not to give our daughter processed foods or sugar, so it's a drag that she's now getting those things twice a week. It's not the end of the world obviously, but friends with children in similarly-priced programs in Manhattan have told me their kids are given apple slices or other "real" foods for snack. Is there anything you would like to add about how the school handled the pandemic? They've been consistently great on all things COVID. Kids wear masks after turning two. With numbers rising recently in NY, caregivers have been asked to switch to N95 masks.