Geoffrey Bowser - Tamir Law Group
- Prospect Heights
38 6th Ave. Apt 2001, Brooklyn 11217, NY
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Reviews (1)
Furloughed/laid off at the end of parental leave
I'm using Geoffrey Bowser. He's affordable and kind and friendly and used to be the head of litigation at Tamir and he's now gone out on his own and he specializes in civil and contract law. He's also a father of young children and I think this will speak to him. He's committed to being affordable and will charge you hourly rather than making you pay a bunch up front, if it's a matter of consult. I think he could probably give you some good advice affordably and then you could decide what more needs to be done. He's not quick to want to go to court which I like a lot and that to me is much more useful than someone who wants to drag out conflict.