Fort Greene Clinton Hill Playgroup

- Fort Greene
85 S Oxford St, Brooklyn 11217, NY
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Reviews (4)
FGCH Playgroup is back!
This is just a plug for the Fort Greene Clinton Hill playgroup located at South Oxford between Fulton and Lafayette. This playgroup has not been very active since covid began but there is a new session beginning next week on October 11! This is a wonderful, affordable playgroup with a large space and lots and lots of toys! The FGCH playgroup has been around for 40+ years. It is held at the Lafayette Avenue Presbyterian Church but is not affiliated with it. They are doing free drop ins for new first time families. Here is the website: I loved being part of this space and community and watching my children grow here.INDOOR PLAY SPACES
Hi there! Sorry so many FGCH Playgroup posts but they currently do accept drop ins for $10 every day for the 11:30-1:30 shift and on Fridays for both the 9:30-11:30 shift and the 11:30-1:30 shift. We are also in the process of updating the website and how signing up works:)! I’ve been going since my daughter was 4 months old. At 3.5 she still loves it but it’s best for the under 3 crowd! (October 2019)INDOOR PLAY SPACES
The Fort Greene Clinton Hill Playgroup site is here You have to sign up for sessions and they run Mon to Fri 9:30 to 11:30 or 11:30 to 1:30 This session we signed up for back in Sept and runs til 12/9 so next session sign up for Jan should be in December. They don't allow drop ins unless you are registered already but if you want to see if there are any open sessions for the rest of this season you can email Kayla at (October 2019)INDOOR PLAY SPACES
I would love to add that we love Fort Greene Clinton Hill Playgroup on 85 s Oxford! (October 2019)