
- Park Slope
434 7th Ave, Brooklyn 11215-5053, NY
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Reviews (11)
Gluten free brunch you love?
Recommended without full reviewBars & Restaurants with Heated Outdoors
Last night we tried Fonda, hoping their backyard was heated, and we were pleasantly surprised. The space is communal and enclosed, however, there's air flow, and the heaters are strong enough that coats were not recommendations in south slope/greenwood/WT
Fonda is a classicOutdoor dining with heat lamps?
Fonda on 7th Ave near 14th Street has heat lamps in their back garden. It was quite comfortable on a very cold evening, and they did a great job with spacing the tables.Anniversary Celebration
My husband and I had a lovely dinner and margaritas delivered from Fonda to celebrate our anniversary a few weeks ago.Anniversary Celebration
Our favorite fancy take out meal was Fonda, complete with amazing margaritas.Supporting local restaurant— question
We also had a great experience ordering food and margaritas from Fonda.Re: 7th Ave Stores and Businesses you LOVE?
Fonda! Truly amazing food.Re: 7th Ave Stores and Businesses you LOVE?
damn good margaritas with specialty salt that is yummy.(no subject)
I've also taken my son to Fonda with good results (October 2011)(no subject)
I highly recommend Fonda, on 7th avenue between 14th and 15th streets. It's Mexican (as opposed to Tex-Mex) and the food is really good. We enjoyed our dinner so much we went back for brunch the next day. Plus they have a lovely garden in the back. (September, 2010).