
Fichman Furniture
Fichman Furniture



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Reviews (3)

  • Radiator covers

    ALSO - I had to have one made during the lock down part of the pandemic and decided to use this place that makes it and ships it in pieces for you to (easily) put it together yourself. It's well made, looks great, and it was convenient, (though you have to make sure to do accurate measuring on your own!)
  • Protecting toddler from hot radiator?

    We got radiator covers from Fichman, you send them the dimensions of your radiator and they custom make it. They are a bit pricey, but they’ve been invaluable for exactly this reason. Our curious infant now toddler can go near or even touch the cover and won’t be hurt, but we still get a decent amount of heat.
  • re: radiator covers? (recommendations)

    We were really happy with the covers we ordered from Fichman Furniture. You pick your style, measure your radiators, and order online and the covers will be customized for your space. They have lots of nice styles and they look great in person. They are relatively affordable as well. The company was also very helpful to work with.

