
Family Health Centers at NYU Langone
Family Health Centers at NYU Langone


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Reviews (3)

  • Seeking child therapist that takes Oxford insurance

    Two of my kids see psychiatrists and therapists from here -- both sets of which are AMAZING. And they take all insurances. Therapy sessions cost me $20; psychiatrists between $80 and $40.
  • Help for perfectionist tween

    If your daughter attends PS/MS 282 I would highly recommend Michelle Felder, LCSW. She is employed through the NYU Langone Family Health Center but primarily works in the school. My daughter doesn't attend 282 but was referred to Michelle last summer while the school LCSWs were taking on outside cases, and she still meets with her weekly to discuss similar issues.
  • Support for teen/family

    We use the Langone NYU family health clinic, and they take all insurances (pretty much). Therapy and psychiatric visits are merely co-pays (after a $500 deductible) for our insurance (United Health Care). One of my kids just got a diagnosis of ADD and depression and we have 2x weekly excellent therapy sessions and once/month psychiatry. Both practitioners are EXCELLENT.

