Erika Taveras
- Midtown Manhattan
37 W 43rd St, New York , NY
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Reviews (1)
In-home postpartum massage
I promised to share info about Erika Taveras, the massage therapist I liked after my first baby was born; she does in-home postpartum massage. I was so sore after delivery but could barely walk across my apartment much less go to a massage office. And I so appreciated being able to get a massage while holding and nursing my baby on her table. If you do call her, please tell her I sent you! Here’s a message from Erika: I do all kinds of massages- including both pregnancy and postpartum massage! ( I actually helped to induce my sister and a couple other ladies....) My rate is $150/hr - please let me know what is the best time for you -- right now I have about a week of waiting list for the evenings. Maybe it would be easier if we talked on the phone, my number is 917-567-6259. Her email is (November 2019)