Erica Zimmerman, PT - beFit Therapy

- Midtown Manhattan
1560 Broadway Suite 1115, New York 10036, NY
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Reviews (2)
SI Joint Pain - anyone else?
Prior to pregnancy, during pregnancy and now post here are some recs: Dr Erica Zimmerman PT in Times Square at BeFit And Dr Kathy Dooley chiropractor/ movement specialist at Catalyst sports in Times Square area too I also did craniosacral work which I have mixed feelings about but I did like the practitioner a lot - Deirdre Finn[PSPBeingFit] Pregnant seeking personal trainer
The PT I was seeing in Times Square, Manhattan - Dr Erica Zimmerman - is amazing at Be Fit Therapy. She has been super helpful and I know she focuses on pregnancy with some of her clients. A trek - but if you find yourself in a desperate place someday, I highly recommend her.