
ENT and Allergy Associates - Wall Street
ENT and Allergy Associates - Wall Street


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Reviews (2)

  • ISO recommendation for adult ENT (sinus issues)

    I have been going to ENT and Allergy Associates as well for years at the Wall Street office. Anna Aranzon for ENT and Hale Yarmohammadi for allergies. They have been great.
  • ISO: Allergist for Adults

    I recently (at the recommendation of my dermatologist) started seeing Dr. Hale Yarmohammadi at ENT & Allergy Associates at an office in the Financial District (she splits her time between that and a Chelsea office), and so far I like her a lot, and she's helped me determine what I'm allergic to and, importantly, not (no foods, whew), and gave me an alternative medication that has let me cut out a couple of others, although I'm still pondering next steps. One downside is that if I end up deciding to get allergy shots, the closest office where I can get them is in Brooklyn Heights (Cadman Plaza) or else Dyker Heights. But otherwise I highly recommend her. The office is near subways and pleasant, and so far I've been able to get appointments within a few days to a week.

