Dr. Rica Vizarra-Villongco

- North Slope
621 Degraw St Fl 3, Brooklyn 11217, NY
- www.healthgrades.com
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Reviews (4)
Developmental pediatrician recs?
Another rec for Dr. Vizarra at DeGraw. It took us about 3 months to get an initial appointment with her, but she was great with our son, she provided good advice about pursuing a full neuropsych, including how to find lower-cost options (in our case, we did complete one, but it may depend on how well your child’s educational needs are being understood/met in his current setting), and she was very warm and supportive throughout the process.Developmental pediatrician recs?
Seconding the rec for Dr. Vizarra. It can take a while to get your first appointment with her, but she spends one to two hours with you and your kid at each appointment! I don't know if that's typical for developmental pediatricians or not, but she is so thorough and understanding. I think she really cares about every child she sees.Developmental pediatrician recs?
In terms of neighborhood Developmental Pediatricians we are at Degraw Pediatrics (what used to be PS Pediatrics) and they have one on staff: Dr Rica Vizarra. i think she may be working at other practices as well, but i'm not sure. She is lovely. She was the one who recommended the CMI to us too when we were looking to get evaluated. Don't wait for the school eval, they will be dragging their feet, they always do as they try to see if they can save resources, and in the end even if they do run tests - they can't actually diagnose, their tests are somewhat limited (we went through this with my kid).Re: [ANONYMOUS] Developmental ped and social skills help?
Hi - there may be a couple of months wait, but the only developmental ped in the region I know takes insurance is Dr Rica Vizzara- Villongco who has an office on 8th ave in north slope. We saw her just once and liked her and I have friends whose kids see her ongoing. (Review submitted May 2016)