
Dr. Mariyum Shakir
Dr. Mariyum Shakir


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Reviews (2)

  • Primary Care Doctor in Prospect Heights/Park Slope?

    I'm very happy with my PCP, Mariyum Shakir at NewYork-Presbyterian/Methodist: She is smart, thorough, and has a sense of humor. Best of all she is within walking distance of my home and can refer me to countless specialists who are all in-network and located at Methodist or nearby. Perfectly fits my life with a 4 year old so I don't have to waste any time on the subway. The NYP patient portal is easy to use for scheduling appointments and getting test results, plus follow up appointments can often be done via Zoom. Dr. Shakir is very responsive to messages via the portal.
  • Methodist Primary Care Doctor Reccomendation

    I've only seen Dr. Mariyum Shakir since September of this year, but so far I am happy with her as my PCP. She is thorough, detail-oriented, smart, and very fast to respond to my questions via Methodist's patient portal.

