Doctor Sniffs
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Reviews (2)
Doctor Sniffs
We were incredibly impressed with Dr Sniffs. We were uncertain if we had an bedbug issue or not, and contacted Dr. Sniffs for an assessment. They arrived within hours and completed a thorough assessment, including magnified photographs. Rick was honest and educational, explaining what looked like a problem was actually a non-issue, and how to best resolve it. I have heard wonderful things about his wife too. Since they are not exterminators, they do not have an interest in finding a problem unless there actually is one. His dog was well-behaved and clearly loves his work! Rick followed up via text messages several days later, to ensure there was no "suspicious activity." Highly recommend!Bed bugs--what now?
Hire a bed bug sniffing dog unassociated with an exterminator. They are an independent third party and have nothing to gain or lose by diagnosing you with -- or without -- bedbugs. Not all dogs are created equal. I recommend Doctor Sniffs. Diana and her dog came highly recommended and we may sure to sniff out our new place before we moved in: