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Reviews (10)

  • Welcome to the NEW 2018 Kids Group!

    The minute clinic in Cvs on 9th street was great [for flu shots]. You can easily make an appt online. We went their for my two year old. I’d def go there over citymd since citymd is long lines of covid testing these days.
  • flu vaccine

    Hello Flu Shot Seeking Parents, I just wanted to share our experience from Sunday. I made an appointment on the CVS website for a flu shot at our neighborhood location. When we got there, they said they were out of the vaccine but would be getting more the next day. When I mentioned that I had made an appointment online, and was confirmed by text message, they said they had no control over the website. Since we were on a flu shot mission, I called the CVS on 9th Street in Park Slope. They had the vaccine for us but were out for people age 65. We just walked in with no appointment. The pharmacist had never vaccinated a 3 year old before, so there was a lot of back and forth on whether he could do it. After us grownups got vaccinated, with our little one watching, we decided to just get it over with. It went great. I wish I got the pharmacist’s name, but he had great bedside manner. TLDR: Don’t trust the CVS website. Call ahead.
  • Kid-friendly pharmacies for the flu shot?

    We had a great experience at CVS minute clinic on 9th street last year. This is where there is a small one room clinic with a nurse practitioner, separate stock and procedure from getting the shot from the pharmacist. This year we used Kamin urgent care in crown heights because we happened to be getting rapid covid tests there, and it was fine though a longer wait. (Full disclosure I did do clinical hours as a student in minute clinic in 2018 but have no current affiliation or plans for one in the future).
  • Kid-friendly pharmacies for the flu shot?

    I used a CVS minute clinic this year because they vaccinate children as young as 18 months. They have a small consultation room and it is staffed by a nurse so does have more of the “office” feel. We live closest to the one on Henry street in the heights but I’m sure they’re all similar. I do recommend an appointment which you can make online via the website.
  • Flu shot for 2-year-old

    I had a very positive experience at the CVS on 9th Street for my 23 month old. I scheduled online and waited only a few minutes when I arrived.
  • Where can I get a TDAP (whooping cough) vaccine?

    I got mine last week on CVS on 9th street! You go to the "Minute Clinic" inside the store, during working hours, sign in and a nurse will accept you. They also give flu shots. My insurance covered it.
  • Where to get passport photos in Slope?

    CVS on 9th Street can help you out with passport photos.
  • Re: Where to take passport pictures?

    We got my daughter's photos taken at CVS on 9th Street. I called around to a few places, but the person in the photo department at CVS was the friendliest / most willing to work with our squirmy toddler.
  • Re: passport photos for non-US passport

    Not sure if you need something more specialized, but we used CVS on 9th St and they were just fine!
  • passport photos?

    i know that cvs and the like will only do standard american passport sized photos.

