Crunch Park Slope

- Park Slope
330 Flatbush Avenue, Brooklyn 11238, NY
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* Personal Training* Yoga
* Pilates
* Child Care
* Pilates Reformers
* Sauna
* Massage
* Cardio Theater
* Personal Viewing Screens
Crunch is constantly coming up with the most innovative classes around - Cardio Striptease, BOSU Bootcamp and Kama Sutra Yoga just to name a few. And our instructors aren't just your run-of-the-mill aerobics instructors. They come from all walks of life - making every class unique and exciting.
Reviews (11)
Gyms that offer childcare? (6 mos+)
I can confirm that the Park Slope Crunch on Flatbush near 7th Ave has childcare because my kid goes there. The women who work there are lovely and my 2 yr old always has fun (we've been going since he was 7 months). I know some people have issues with the TV being on in the childcare room, but for me it helps to remember they have to entertain mixed ages and ultimately, it's a safe place to keep your kid while you exercise--it's not a daycare. Also want to mention the women who work there told me that the Park Slope location is the only Crunch in Brooklyn with childcare currently, so I would call to confirm before trying any other location.Social Distance Personal Trainer
My trainer at Crunch Park Slope was really nice and helpful. I got the okay from her to pass along her contact information. She said anyone interested in having a personal trainer should feel free to reach out to her. Ariel (702) 884-3758 or She is a NASM Certified Personal Trainer, has a BFA in Dance, is a TRX Level 1 Suspension Trainer Certification, and is Pronatal Level 1 certified.Where are the local business gyms you love?
Recommended without full review, January 2020Babysitting at Crunch
They do offer childcare from 9am-1pm. Age limit is 3 months but on average the kids are from 6-12 months. There are two attendants at all times. $30 unlimited for the month or $4 per time. They’re expanding as well so it will be a bigger space after the summer for childcare.Re: ISO personal trainers from he Crunch gym
If you are a member, try to walk around and observe the different trainers. You'll find that some of them are really engaged with their clients and some are zoned out. Some put their clients through ridiculous exercises and some are really concerned about good form and good progressions. What is also helpful is for you to identify your top goals and share them with whomever you wind up meeting with. Are you interested in building strength? Better balance? More endurance? A good trainer will listen to your goals and work with you to meet them. Also, don't be afraid to walk away from a trainer if you find they aren't paying attention or giving you what you need. Mark, the fitness director, should be a good resoure for helping you find a match. I don't work with a trainer there but do work out there regularly and have enough athletic experience to say the following: there's a really wide spectrum of skilled trainers at Crunch. This may be taken negatively, but I rather see it as there's a lot of opportunity for you to find a good fit.Re: ISO personal trainers from he Crunch gym
I work with Cliff and really love him. (July 2014)Summary: Childcare at Crunch Gym on Flatbush
For my part, I took my son there this weekend. It was totally fine. My only comment is that the room was really, really hot, so make sure your kid is dressed in layers.Summary: Childcare at Crunch Gym on Flatbush
We use the childcare at Crunch quite often. All in all I think it's fine. The room can get a bit chaotic when there are a lot of kids but the two young ladies who care for the children are very sweet and attentive. I normally try to get there around 9 when they first open. My son is often the first one there. I bring lots of snacks and they have tons of toys. They always have a video on, not sure how you feel about that. However that's made it seem a lot more enticing to my son. Video, snacks, toys, nice "teachers"...he's all set :) I will say that I'm not sure how often they clean the toys so I didn't bring my kids there too often until they stopped putting stuff in their mouths. But all in all I like the care and I use it a lot! It's a steal too, $4 for one kid, $6 for two.Summary: Childcare at Crunch Gym on Flatbush
I haven't used them in a while, but it's pretty no-frills. Lots of TV, some toys, fairly clean, mostly nice caregivers. My kids were usually happy to be able to watch videos and eat snacks (not provided by Crunch of course) for the 45-60 minutes of my workout. I don't remember if they change diapers, though. For $4, though, it's exactly what is expected and occasionally helped me to squeeze in a workout.Re: Childcare at Crunch Gym on Flatbush
only go on the weekends. Park slope child care is only during the day. unlike ft greene that has eve hrs for child care. my daughter loves it she always ask Mommy are we going to the gym. They have toys, and diff arts & crafts. You will see kids drawings or coloring on the walls. They will pop a DVD in the TV. The girls are warm and engaging. I like them all & you can't beat the price.Daycare
I've used the childcare on occasion for my 3-year-old, usually on Tuesday mornings. There was usually only 1 or 2 other kids there, and many times, no other kids there. So, the ratio is fine. In fact, there's often another guy in there hanging out with the main caregiver, giving my daughter a 2-1 ratio! The caregiver is sweet and kind. Sometimes there is a TV on, with a kid's show, which my daughter did not seem interested in, so I wasn't sure why it was on at all. You could probably ask to have it turned off if you want. My daughter seemed to enjoy it there, and had no objections to going. She spent most of her time playing in the pretend kitchen, or drawing. It looks like there are plenty of baby/toddler toys there. I think you should try it out for a short time and see how it goes.