
Creatively Wild Camp DUMBO
Creatively Wild Camp DUMBO


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Reviews (5)

  • Review from the 2024 Summer Camp Survey

    Location: Dumbo REVIEW: Love. My boy isn’t very much into art but love this place CHANGES: DETAILS: Age of child; 6 … Weeks attended: 1
  • Camp for week of 8/29 or 9/5, for 7 yo girl

    I thought I would share our outcome with the PSP community. I found a camp my daughter really enjoys. It is the Stop-Motion Animation camp at Creatively Wild in Dumbo. It has a few different art camps going on at the same time. You can go for the week or a daily drop-on basis. They have camps the week of Sept 5 as well; which is very rare. They have painting and other art camps as well. I have no experience with them but there is some good art on the walls.
  • Camp options - Sept 6-7

    There is an arts camp in Dumbo - until Sept 9th. And you sign up per day. Our kids did it last year and liked it!
  • day camp September 7 - 10?

    We signed up for this art camp in Dumbo. You can pay per day, and camp runs until Sept 10! My kids are loving it!
  • june 2016

    The only one I know about is Creatively Wild Art Studio in DUMBO. I sent my girls there for a one day art camp and they had a ball and made very cool artwork. They have full day and half options for 10-17 year olds.

