
Corey Liston, RN, IBCLC - One Medical
Corey Liston, RN, IBCLC - One Medical


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Reviews (5)

  • Review from the 2020 Birthing Experience Survey

    Was a good source of support but due to numerous limitations in the end she wasn't able to help me solve my issues. But very smart, kind person who is terrific with babies.
  • Virtual lactation consultant?

    I worked w/ Corey Liston at One Medical in Park Slope and found her really helpful. She also bills direct to insurance, so no out of pocket expenses and reimbursement paperwork. Their whole office has switched to telemedicine for the time being, so I would imagine that she would be available.
  • Lactation consultant, breastfeeding support groups?

    If you happen to be a member of One Medical, you can use their amazing lactation consultant, Corey. She was immensely helpful to me in the early days of nursing. They will bill your insurance so it is like a doctor's visit. The only additional cost to me was their annual fee, which I was happy to pay.
  • Review submitted via the 2016 Birth Survey

    I could not have made it through the first few weeks of breastfeeding without Corey! I saw her three times within the first two months, first to iron out feeding and latching and then to deal with a clogged duct and mastitis. Corey was supportive without being judgmental. She was also extremely knowledgable and helped me with all of my problems. And it was all covered by insurance! She is definitely one of the reasons I go to One Medical for all of my family's care. I highly recommend her! Based on May 2016 birthing experience
  • Review submitted via the 2016 Birth Survey

    Excellent Based on August 2016 birthing experience

