
Congregation Beth Elohim ECC Preschool Camp
Congregation Beth Elohim ECC Preschool Camp
  • Park Slope
    274 Garfield Pl, Brooklyn 11215, NY
    See Map | Get Directions



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Reviews (4)

  • Review from the 2023 Summer Camp Survey

    Location: Park Slope How old was your child when they attended camp this summer? 2.5 Review: CBE ECC preschool offers 2-6 week summer camp which is similar to school but incorporates more park time, water time and swimming. It was a first experience for our daughter. She was too young for many other summer camp options. I'm not sure specifically what she enjoyed, but she kept asking to go back! I think it was the swimming. Overall we we were very happy with her loving, caring teachers.
  • Beth Elohim Preschool for a non-Jewish family

    Our son has gone to school at the ECC at Beth Elohim for the last two years, starting with the three-year old program and continuing with the fours. We love it! Our family doesn’t identify as Jewish, and it’s never been a problem for us. They do integrate teachings about the holidays and observe Shabbat each week, and for our family the most important take-always are those connected to shared values and ideals. Though most of the children have at least one parent who is Jewish, there are other families in our son’s class who do not identify as Jewish. It’s a really lovely place and a fantastic program, and we’ve been very happy there!
  • 2019 Summer Camp Review

    Clubs like jewelry making, themes like olympics and carnival, field trips, counselors; pizza Wednesdays, cooking/baking projects. What would you change? Provide more than one slice of pizza on Pizza Wednesdays; post more pictures
  • 2019 Summer Camp Review

    Age: 4.5 Review: This is a great camp for 4-5 year olds. The "counselors" are preschool teachers, so they are very attentive and caring. But you can the benefit of a camp experience through weekly trips, 3x swimming and lots of time outdoors in Prospect Park or playing out the synagogue. Especially for kids who get to go with their friends from CBE ECC preschool, this is a nice, easy summer camp experience. What would you change? Nothing!

