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Reviews (5)

  • Day Spa recommendations

    CityWell on President St is a really sweet boutique spa complete with sauna, hot tub, steam shower and a variety of treatments.
  • Massage Recommendation

    I just had a massage with Liz at Citywell - cute little spa in Gowanus. I don’t think I’ve ever had such a tender loving massage. I felt so cared for and mothered that it moved me. I’ve had plenty of other massages but I hadn’t been touched like that in a long time and it just felt really special. If you like being touched and you can scrape together the time and money for a massage, I really recommend her. She has a careful and caring female touch that had me so relaxed my hand twitched and I caught myself awake-snoring at one point.
  • Sauna and/or Steam room?

    I recommend checking out CityWell.
  • Sauna and/or Steam room?

    CityWell Brooklyn is an adorable little spa in Gowanus that has a sauna, steam room, jacuzzi, and sometimes live jazz:
  • Review submitted via the 2016 Birth Survey

    Prenatal and postnatal massage with Liz at CityWell in Gowanus. I had a variety of prenatal massages at places that "specialize" in that but still preferred the warmth and soothing touch of Liz at City Well. Based on May 2016 Birth Experience

