
Charles Berk, MD, One Medical Group
Charles Berk, MD, One Medical Group


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Reviews (15)

  • ISO: Concierge Doctor

    Dr. Berk at One Medical on Union. Love him! He is so patient and thoughtful. His background was family medicine before joining group. I have gone to Cobble Hill for a last minute appointment and had a great experience there as well (can't remember the practitioner). I have used their remote services (pre pandemic) to help with tick bite prophylaxis and direct referral for a wrist x-ray. The best example of how amazing concierge can be was when I was on the Q train heading into Manhattan and realized I thought I had an UTI. I used the app on my phone to schedule an appointment at the Bryant Park location within the hour. This may have been lucky but it was awesome nonetheless. I reliably get an annual physical with blood work every year. That never happened before.
  • General practitioner doctor recommendations?

    Dr Charles Berk is a fantastic general practitioner. He’s at One Medical on Union St near 7th Ave; there is a yearly fee, but for me, the service is absolutely worth it.
  • 2018 Review

    I love Dr Charles Berk at One Medical (Union Street near 7th Ave). He is a wonderful PCP/ family doctor and he definitely takes United insurance.
  • Re: One medical

    Dr Charles Berk is wonderful and he is moving to the Park Slope location.
  • Re: GP recommendation

    I love Dr Charles Berk! He is just in the process of moving his practice from Brooklyn Heights and will be joining the new One Medical office on Union St in December. I have found him to be a wonderful doctor: thorough, kind and a great diagnostician. And he makes balloon animals for tetchy kids! Good luck with your search.
  • Re: Thoughts on vaccines when traveling to Central America

    We used Dr Charles Berk in Bklyn Hts for travel med for the whole family before a trip to Guatemala. He makes balloon animals for the kids.
  • ISO: Local GP recommendation

    I really like my GP, Dr. Charles Berk, in Brooklyn Heights. I've been going to him for years. I particularly like that he understands that patients shouldn't be rushed, and gives all the time I need for questions.
  • (no subject)

    My PCP is FANTASTIC. Online appointment booking, friendly staff, and he's a GREAT listener. I never thought I'd let a man do my yearly pelvic, but I'm so comfortable with him. You can message him via a secure email service he has, and I never wait more than a day for his response unless it's something he has to find out from elsewhere (ie, when is a lab going to come back). I never wait more than 20 minutes in his office. And when I have an emergency, he always fits me in. He takes most insurance - I don't know what you have so I can't say for sure whether he takes it. I don't think he can do X-rays and labs in-office, though.
  • Where to get a typhoid shot for 2yo

    I called many, many places before finding someone who does intl health immunizations for kids. Dr. Charles Berk is a family practitioner in Brooklyn Heights. He gave us all typhoid shots (prescriptions for the pill for adults), malaria prescriptions, etc. It was expensive as he doesn't take insurance for intl health visits but ended up being a lifesaver as we were leaving the country on a last minute trip and needed immunizations ASAP.
  • (no subject)

    Charles Berk is a family practitioner in Brooklyn Heights. I've known him for years and think very highly of him. (Aug 2011)
  • ISO Rec for family practice Dr

    We love Dr. Berk in the Heights, on Montague St. (September 2011)
  • (no subject)

    I recommend Dr. Charles Berk who is in Brooklyn Heights. He's a family physician. (May 2011)
  • (no subject)

    I second the recommendation for Charles Berk. He is an 'old fashioned' kind of doctor who spends time with you, listens to you, treats you like a human AND a grown up. (Jan 2011).
  • (no subject)

    I recommend my friend from medical school and residency, Charles Berk. He is hands-on, slow to do invasive tests, takes a careful history and physical exam, and uses evidence-based practices. I even sent my own father to him. (January 2011)
  • Review from 2011 PSP Pediatrician Survey

    (Review Feb.2011) Dr. Berk is a family physician (so not a pediatrician, but he sees all ages). My whole family started using him as our doctor when my kids were 3yrs and 6yrs. He's no nonsense, straight forward and takes time to really listen. He's great with kids, and mine really like him. I find he's very quick to refer to specialists as soon as anything out of the ordinary comes up - sometimes that's a drawback. His office is extremely well run and managed - we rarely wait more than 15 min to see him. He has a system where you can email questions/concerns rather than wait for an appointment or a call back. INSURANCE: GHI CBP

