
Chana Balk - Move It Momma (MIM)
Chana Balk - Move It Momma (MIM)



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Reviews (11)

  • ISO: Outdoor workout classes in Prospect Park - is there a list somewhere?

    Move it Momma with a Chana Balk is AWESOME. A good workout and Chana is super fun. She’s in PP on Friday mornings and weekends too if she gets a group that’s big enough.
  • In person postpartum workouts

    Chana Balk of Move It Momma is doing in person workouts in Prospect Park on Friday mornings. She's a *fabulous* instructor and all around awesome person!
  • Social Distance Personal Trainer

    Huge recommendation for Chana Balk - She is a local personal trainer with incredibly contagious energy; she makes workouts fun and she is also super smart -- really knows her stuff, especially if you have ever given birth to a human - she has a deep understanding of how this impacts the body (she helped me even years out!). Highly recommend!
  • Favorite Postpartum Workout?

    Another vote Move it Momma! Chana is very knowledgeable and motivating. She has classes on Wednesdays in Prospect heights, Thursdays in Clinton Hill, and sees private clients, as well.
  • Favorite Postpartum Workout?

    I love Move It Momma ( Chana is a firecracker, you can bring your baby, and you'll be sore in a good way at the end.
  • (no subject)

    I haven't taken Stroller Strides here, but I took it a couple of times in Manhattan. The instructor was really knowledgeable and the moms were lovely but the workout wasn't quite as thorough as I had hoped. I am used to a more "boot camp" style class which is why I have really liked MIM. It's a great combo of cardio and strength so I feel like I get a full workout in. Also, Chana's great at helping you modify depending on your fitness level so beginners can work out well with people who have been there longer. Either way, being able to work out outside, with other mom's and not need a sitter is an excellent way to get back into exercising post-baby. Whichever one you wind up trying, I'm sure you'll love that aspect of both of them! September 2012
  • (no subject)

    Just to add... I am a fan of Move it Momma for the same reason. Chana Balk, the personal trainer who runs the classes, is great for someone who appreciates a lot of verbal motivation to work harder. As a plus, she is very funny and knows what it is to get back in shape after having a baby. She recently did three exercise videos for a website called cafemom. (The center "fitness model" is a park slope mom who takes her MIM classes.) They were produced by cafemom so they aren't a true representation of Chana's "style", but you can get an idea of the workout: She also has a fun MIM highlight reel on her website: September 2012
  • (no subject)

    Chana Balk is a personal trainer who runs great classes in Prospect Park: Tues 9:30am, Thurs 11am and Sunday 8am. You can come with or without babies/toddlers. Her website is: (May 2012)
  • (no subject)

    A friend told me about a fitness class called Move it Momma held in Prospect Park and I've been joining her for a while and loving it. Chana Balk, an ex-lawyer now top-notch personal trainer and mom of two boys who leads it, said that with summer coming the classes tend to thin out and I wanted to spread the word. Currently, MIM meets Tuesday at 9:30am and Sunday at 8am at Grand Army Plaza entrance. Chana is high energy and hilarious, but what I like most is that she works you very hard. She is always mixing it up, you are never bored and you leave energized. The class is baby & toddler friendly and Chana is an excellent herder of wayward small people. You can check out her website for more information and to register: (May 2012)
  • (no subject)

    I recommend Chana Balk. She runs a class called Move it Mommas in the park several mornings and a week and also does personal training at your home (or elsewhere). She's great! Full of energy, understanding, knowledgeable and helped me get my body back in shape post baby
  • (no subject)

    I highly recommend her. She is amazing!!

