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Piano Tuning

Background on how often you should tune your paino:

--It varies based on multiple factors. Depending on how old your piano is, how often you play it, the tuner himself. I pay anywhere
from $75-$200, and typically get it done twice a year.

--Piano maintenance does not depend on the brand. Tuners usually have flat rates per tuning and then charge extra if there are
structural adjustments to be done. Provided your piano is in good shape, you tune it twice or (more realistically) once a year and
expect to spend anywhere from $75-125 unless you get someone really cheap and I wouldn't recommend that. It's very important not to keep your instrument next to a heating source

--That really depends. In general, you should tune your piano with each change of season - but if part of the piano like the soundboard is cracked (which is fairly common in older pianos), you would need to tune it more often and possibly repair it. How often your piano goes out of tune also depends on the humidity conditions of the house/apartment and the room it's living in. Piano tuners range  anywhere from $75 on up to around $200 for a tuning, plus the cost of repairs, if necessary. In any case, if you get one I would definitely hire a piano tuner to go with you and check to make sure that the soundboard isn't cracked - that can be an expensive, and  necessary, repair.

Results 1 - 6 of 6

Arolla Piano Co.

 Serving Brooklyn and Manhattan
48 Woodruff Ave,Brooklyn 11226,NY |  Get directions

Dan Levitan


Drasche Pianos LLC


Floating Piano Factory

272 Willoughby Ave,Brooklyn 11205,NY |  Get directions

Metropolitan Piano Tuning


Mike Miccio


