Carmen Caceres Home Daycare
Ditmas Park
1705 Dorchester Road, New York 11226, New York, Kings County
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Reviews (1)
Review from the Spring 2022 Early Childhood Education Survey
Location: 1705 Dorchester, Ditmas Park Type of facility: Daycare Review: After two kids here thought I'd share! If you're looking for an immersion Spanish daycare experience with the right price, this is a great option. 0 staff turnover who are really caring. The only downside is that they don't have outdoor space and never go out, however they do lots of dancing and running/crawling around. The home cooked meals are balanced and amazing. What amenities does the facility have? Has after-school options, Has early morning hours, Provides meals What would you change about the program, if anything? Not having outdoor space! Is there anything you would like to add about how the school is handling the pandemic? Super cautious