Camp YMCA Kanawana
- Montreal
1440 Rue Stanley, Montréal H3A 1P7, Québec, Communauté-Urbaine-de-Montréal
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Reviews (1)
Review from the 2023 Summer Camp Survey
Location: Quebec, Montreal How old was your child when they attended camp this summer? 12 & 10 Review: The camp was fantastic! It was a 1 week overnight camp (the camp has longer sessions) as I wasn't ready for the children to be gone for more than a week a at a time. The camp was fully bilingual with French and English and it has been running for more than a century so it was very smooth. The camp is technology free which we all liked and the kids did a ton of swimming, paddleboarding, archery, music and more. In addition, it was far less expensive than overnight camp around the city and the drive was only about 6 hours What would you change about the program, if anything, and why? Nothing- the kids had a great experience and plan to return next summer Would you like to add anything related to COVID and how the camp handled it? The campers were required to test in advance and they also checked them for lice upon arrival.