
Camp Ramapo
Camp Ramapo


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Reviews (2)

  • 2018 Summer Camp Reviews

    Age of child: 11 Summer 2018 Review: This is a camp for special needs children - especially those with developmental delays and emotional issues. My son is autistic and has ADHD, he is essentially non-conversational and communicates only his basic needs. I was terrified when he first attended this camp, three years ago, for two weeks. Now he goes for three weeks and it is always a worthwhile experience. The camper to staff ratio is something like 2:1, but I think it's closer to 1:1 for my son. (They have enough staff to create that for some kids.) Each year, my son comes back more independent. It is like a typical sleep away experience, with a lake that includes swimming, fishing, boating, a pool, a ropes course, animals, sports, hiking, arts and crafts, etc. My kid loves to swim and he gets to go to the lake every day if that's his choice. Every year when we pick him up from camp, his counselors tell us about how great he did. It's so great that he can separate from us for long enough and feel comfortable there.
  • 2018 Summer Camp Reviews

    Age of child: 15 Summer 2018 Review: Ramapo caters to kids with a variety of special needs, including autism, ADHD and physical challenges. My son enjoyed working with the younger kids, was less interested in the physical aspects like hiking.

