
Busy Bodies
Busy Bodies


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Reviews (3)

  • Class recs?

    She also takes him to Busy Bodies in Clinton Hill on Fulton - they have a 4 PM music class on Thursday that is apparently great - (September 2019)
  • preschool/nursery part time options

    I don't know if this is geographically ideal for you, but my older daughter did a playgroup at Busy Bodies in Clinton Hill when she was 2. It seemed like good prep for preschool. It was not drop off, but it seemed like the caregivers would hang back while the kids went through a set of activities, arts & crafts, snack, etc. led by the instructor. (We actually did the Spanish immersion playgroup, but they have it in English too). They have sessions starting throughout the year. (August 2019)
  • Favorite music classes for 9-12 months? (N slope/p heights)

    Also check out the schedule for Busy Bodies on Fulton St. - they do music classes (you can also buy class packs) and they have a great space for that age where you can play before/after.

