
Building Bridges Brooklyn Preschool
Building Bridges Brooklyn Preschool


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Reviews (2)

  • Review from the Fall 2021 Early Childhood Education Survey

    Type of facility: Preschool Review: My kid is really happy. Loves her teacher What amenities does the facility provide? Has outdoor space, Has early morning hours What would you change about the program, if anything, and why? More communication with parents. More outdoor time
  • Review Submitted via 2014-2015 Daycare/Preschool Survey

    Program: Twos Length of time: Two days- mornings Child’s Age: 2-3 years Type of facility: Privately run daycare/preschool with multiple classes and teachers REVIEW: I thought the program was great. The administration and faculty were very well organized, I knew my son was always extremely well taken care of while at school. The teachers showed an interest in my son, noted that he was very shy and worked to involve him with the group (but not so aggressively as to make him uncomfortable). We took advantage of the early drop off but not the extended day or special afternoon programs. Would you recommend? Highly recommend Would you send your child again? Absolutely

