Brooklyn Bridge Pediatrics
- Brooklyn Heights
35 Monroe Place, Brooklyn 11201, NY
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Reviews (6)
Pediatrician recommendations in Dumbo
We love Brooklyn Bridge Pediatrics in Brooklyn Heights, which should be a pretty short walk.Recommendation for pediatrician in Cobble Hill?
We take our daughter to Brooklyn Bridge Pediatrics in Brooklyn Heights. We see Dr. Kantrowitz and really like the practice.Doctor Recommendations
If you're in Park Slope, this may be too far, but we've been going to Brooklyn Bridge Pediatrics and have nothing but good things to say.Pediatrician recemmendation
We also love Brooklyn Bridge Pediatrics and have seen both Dr. O'Connor and Dr. Dalton. We have found it easy to make appointments and always receive a callback quickly. The staff is friendly, thorough, and I never feel rushed. We have been going to the practice for five years now.Pediatrician recemmendation
Another vote for Brooklyn Bridge Pediatrics. We love the entire practice, especially Dr. Dalton. We love that it feels like we get personalized care and attention, and we never feel rushed during our appointments. Also love that Dr. Dalton will give guidance and advice, without being pushy or judgmental. Plus, they are incredibly responsive via email for questions and phone after hours for anything urgent.Pediatrician recemmendation
We like the doctors at Brooklyn Bridge Pediatrics- Dr. O’Connor and Dr. Kantrowitz.