Brooklyn Arts for Kids
- Windsor Terrace
Brooklyn , NY
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Reviews (3)
Summer camp options in Windsor Terrace area?
In addition to the many excellent suggestions already provided, our daughter has LOVED participating in Brooklyn Arts for Kids Camp that has typically met in Prospect Park or another local venue. It's a theater/art camp run by a local couple (Wally & Belinda) who are themselves wonderful teachers and teaching artists.Review from the 2022 Summer Camp Survey
Location: Prospect Park How old was your child when they attended camp this summer? 9 Review: I found this camp through PSP & am SO grateful I did. My 9 y.o. stepson had a total blast - 3 weeks filled with art, nature, music, movement, games & theater. The environment is playful, fun & supportive; allowing the kids to be their silly, beautiful selves. My little guy created sculptures, paintings & masks (even using them in theater pieces the kids created!) & would share about the games he played on our ride home together. He also made a bestie there & they were inseparable on the last day of camp. Could not ask for more - we are definitely planning on returning next year.Review from the 2017 PSP Summer Camp Survey
This camp is a really small, freewheeling camp - they do half acting and half art. It's very loose with a lot of input from the kids. If your kid hates the structure of a YMCA style camp, this is the antidote. Age of child: 11 Based on a Summer 2017 experience