Brayan - Construccion Galicia & Ortega
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Reviews (1)
Recommendation: Handyman available
I had been having really bad luck with handymen for years; between people starting jobs and not finishing them, to just doing really terrible work. That is until I found Brayan. He is awesome! He is officially my new handyman. Brayan has helped me save on buying a new fan light combo by repairing it. He also did some work on my bath tub removing old sealant and redoing it. He did some electrical repair my bathroom light which was put for forever because so many other couldn’t do the job. He has hung some shelves, shoe racks, fixed closet doors and drawers, even sanded and repainted furniture. He is knowledgeable and resourceful. He finds ways to efficiently get the job done and save you money. What I like most is that he is upfront. If he can’t do a job he will let you know. This saves a lot of money. He is a family man, really polite and respectful. His work was super clean. His prices are really reasonable too.