Brandon Wechsler - Habitat Management LLC
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Reviews (2)
Need management company for condo building
I second the recommendation for Brandon Weschler at Habitat. I was the condo board president of a 45 unit building in South Slope. We moved a year ago. He Is a knowledge, well-organized person who is kind and good to his people. We worked with him for close to ten years and the building continues to work with him.Need management company for condo building
We’ve been incredibly pleased with Brandon Wechsler at Habitat. He used to work at Goldin Management and went out on his own over a year ago. Brandon is really great - very motivated and on top of things. He provides great guidance and his firm manages the financials of the building well. We have a 20 unit condo building in park slope - we’ve worked with Brandon for many years (first at Goldin and now through his own firm Habitat). He has a ton of experience and is just a good person.