Blue Sky Bakery
- North Slope
53 5th Ave, Brooklyn 11217
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Reviews (6)
Shoutout ! Best coffee shop in the Slope?
I just want to echo Dan’s shout out. I love...and my family loves Blue Sky Bakery. Muffins and pastries are delicious but also the coffee - amidst the ‘cafes’ it is hidden but I think it is the best coffee shop in the neighborhood! And George and staff are so friendly.Shoutout ! Best coffee shop in the Slope?
Hi, just wanted to give a shoutout to one of the great small businesses in our great neighborhood: Blue Sky Bakery : 53 5th ave, between Bergen and St Marks What I like about it : - Really (really) nice staff (say hi to George!) - really good coffee, - excellent baked stuff! It’s a real “mom and pop” shop, a rapidly disappearing species in our neighborhood...Review from Kids Birthday and Bar/Bat Mitzvah Party Survey - 2016
Age of child: 5 Birthday Cake Type: traditional birthday cake Birthday Cake Review: Blue Sky makes wonderful cakes!Re: ISO Birthday Cake recommendations
I highly recommend Blue Sky bakery on 5th avenue. They make many size cakes, different kinds, they are delicious and they will customize the top with just about anything you wish...a plane say! They did our 1 year olds cake with a little baby riding a surf board! Love them! (September 2014)Back Fresh Croissants in the slope?
We love the croissants from Blue Sky bakery on 5th Ave near Bergen. I have many French and Belgian colleagues who love them too.(no subject)
Recommended by PSP Member without review