Bernard Wildenberg, CPA

- Mamaroneck
875 Mamaroneck Ave UNIT 404, Mamaroneck 10543, NY
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Reviews (1)
Accountant recommendation
i highly recommend bruce chan and bernie wildenberg. we have been working with them for several years now. hey were referred to us by a colleague, a GM of a good nyc company. we have 7 companies. bernie and chan reviewed all our past and current documents, corrected every single (and costly) error made by our previous accountant. within weeks, every return was corrected and placed in perfect order. as a result, we received significant refunds and we have not encountered a single error since we started working with them. they will always return your calls quickly and will spend whatever time is needed to attend to your questions. we referred them to friends and colleagues all over brooklyn. every one of them is happy and thankful. you’re in very good hands. Bernard Wildenberg <> Bruce Chan <>