
Bedford-Stuyvesant YMCA
Bedford-Stuyvesant YMCA


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Reviews (4)

  • Review from the 2022 Summer Camp Survey

    Location: Bedford Stuyvesant YMCA How old was your child when they attended camp this summer? 5 Review: The camp was very basic, the children didn't seem to go outside much but it was also 95oF most of the time she was attending. other than that our child loved it - she made lots of friends, they did art projects and had active time, there were theme days and water days where they did water play. Instead of field trips they did have activities come to them, the two sessions our child attended there were clowns that visited and a planetarium that played a 360o movie about the ocean that our child particularly enjoyed. Overall, she was very happy every day when she came home and there were lots of other neighborhood children at the camp - we even met another child who will be in her K class next year. What would you change about the program, if anything, and why? We'd prefer that the children went outside more during the day but at the same time she attended during the height of the heat wave this summer so we understand some of the indoors time was to not have heat-related issues. Would you like to add anything related to COVID and how the camp handled it? Masks were optional and everyone seemed fine. Our child was sick with a non-COVID cold and home two days but the camp was fine with it and she was able to return no problem.
  • weekend swim classes for 1-2 year olds

    We did the kiddo swim classes at the Bed Stuy YMCA and loved them. The Dodge Y also has great programs.
  • ISO Swim Lessons for infant

    Both Dodge and Bed-Stuy YMCAs have great swim lessons for all ages. We've been taking our daughter since she was about a year old; now she's a little fish.
  • swim classes?

    The YMCA has great swim classes for this age and they do baby classes on weekends. We did two sessions at the Bed Stuy location (paused for the summer because we’re out of town a bunch) but plan to re-sign up in the fall. There’s a Y with a pool in Park Slope as well.

