
Beansprouts - Afterschool & Summer Camps Program
Beansprouts - Afterschool & Summer Camps Program



Beansprouts After School Program is for grades Pre-K through 3rd (for children outside of our Nursery School Program). Experienced staff walks the children to Beansprouts from local schools. Pre-K and Kindergarten children are met in their classrooms, 1st, 2nd and 3rd graders are met inside the school where their teachers dismiss them. Children who arrive by bus are met at local bus stops and walked to Beansprouts. After School Program hours are from 3:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.

Reviews (157)

  • Re: Park Slope Day Camp or Beansprouts

    Both of my boys went to Beansprouts from Pre-K through 5th grade, and they loved it! They had wonderful experiences.
  • Re: Park Slope Day Camp or Beansprouts

    We have done both (with different kids), and have loved Beansprouts for my younger son. He's gone since he was 4 (he's now in 3rd grade), and I think will go through 5th. It just seems very well run and I appreciate that they do swimming twice a week in addition to all the trips. It seems to thin out a bit as the kids get older, but that's to be expected as kids get more into specialty camps and start doing overnight.
  • Review from the Spring 2024 Afterschool Survey

    Program: After School Age: 5 and 9 Types of Program General after school program Review The kids do a variety of activities and love the staff - it's a great program. Skills Learned Cooking, gymnastics, team-building Changes N/A
  • Review from the 2024 Summer Camp Survey

    Location: corner of 13th St. and 6th Ave. REVIEW: Overall, we had a good experience at Beansprouts. Our kid seemed to like the daily outdoor sprinkler time, as well as the art (esp. messy art outside) and science projects. The teachers seemed nice for the most part and often, my kid didn't want to leave when I picked him up (we didn't do after-camp like most of the other kids). CHANGES: A couple of things that were not so great: first, except for a handful of times, our kid hasn't really napped since last summer. At 3K last year, the teachers would give him quiet activities to do during rest time and that worked well, but at Beansprouts the teachers initially required him to lie down quietly during naptime. We ended up talking to them about it and they did ultimately give him some activities to do during that time, but it sounded like they were still fairly strict about this. I do understand, though, because I think the classroom space was much smaller than what we had at 3K. The second thing was that our kid would often tell us that the teachers tried to rush him through lunch and wouldn't let him finish eating once the time was up. Again, I understand to some extent that they need to stay on schedule, but it just wasn't the ideal set-up for our kid. DETAILS: Age of child; 3-4 … Weeks attended: 7
  • Review from the 2024 Summer Camp Survey

    Location: 6th Ave and 8th St REVIEW: My kids LOVE Beansprouts - varied activities, love the counselors CHANGES: DETAILS: Age of child; Two kids attended - ages 4 and 6 … Weeks attended: 7
  • Review from the 2024 Summer Camp Survey

    Location: Beansprouts REVIEW: My kids love Beansprouts, and so do I!. The day camp is a total win. The kids loved going on all of the field trips - to the museum, rock climbing, the movies, laser tag, bowling, swimming, meeting the Park Rangers, Urban Air, Luna Park, Kids N Action, and more! They had the absolute best summer. The instructors really got to know the kids, and they were so loving and kind. We are so grateful the Beansprouts organization for providing such a safe and loving place for our kids, for many year now! CHANGES: I wish they would provide lunch! DETAILS: Age of child; 5 and 6 … Weeks attended: 8
  • Review from the 2024 Summer Camp Survey

    Location: PS 9 REVIEW: Loved it all CHANGES: Nothing DETAILS: Age of child; 3 and 6 … Weeks attended: 6.5
  • Review from the 2024 Summer Camp Survey

    Location: Park Slope REVIEW: Camp was great! It was sort of a mixture of camp and preschool in that there was a lot of time indoors so it felt familiar. The previous summer we did a mostly outdoor camp that was probably less structured / familiar and our son had a harder time adapting. Added plus was access to AC on those hot days!! Also loved that they got sprinkler time most days. CHANGES: Nothing DETAILS: Age of child; 4 … Weeks attended: 7
  • Review from the 2024 Summer Camp Survey

    Location: Park Slope REVIEW: My kid loved the activities and counselors at Beansprouts, the counselors were great at communicating any changes and my kid loved the weekly field trips and swimming and soccer. CHANGES: DETAILS: Age of child; 4/5 … Weeks attended: 7
  • Review from the 2024 Summer Camp Survey

    Location: Park slope REVIEW: This is my daughter’s third year doing summer camp at Beansprouts and each summer I am impressed with their program. This year going into Kindergarten, they go swimming once a week and have a trip day where my daughter has gone to some new places. The staff is organized and she is having a great time. CHANGES: I wish there was an open house in the spring/early summer where the kids can meet the counselors and see the space to help with the transition. DETAILS: Age of child; 4.5 … Weeks attended: 6
  • Review from the 2024 Summer Camp Survey

    Location: 7th ave REVIEW: My child loved camp. The counselors were warm, friendly, and flexible—I had some chaotic mornings and they were very understanding. He really enjoyed the trips and swimming. He has been wearing his Beansprouts shirts all the rest of summer even after camp was over. CHANGES: I wish they provided snacks DETAILS: Age of child; 5 … Weeks attended: 5
  • Review from the 2024 Summer Camp Survey

    Location: various locations along 6th Ave in Park Slope REVIEW: Beansprouts is nice because it's a mix of field trips all over NYC, swimming a couple times per week and lots and lots of unstructured play time too. Great after camp care, the BEST staff and neighborhood friends galore. Our son feels so comfortable and safe at this camp (his fourth summer here). Great location too. CHANGES: We send our son to a different camp for part of the summer to get more/better swim instruction. DETAILS: Age of child; 7 … Weeks attended: 4
  • Review from the 2024 Summer Camp Survey

    Location: Park Slope REVIEW: It was so great! They had field trips nearly every single day - whether to somewhere fun (e.g., Bronx Zoo, Ninja park, etc.) or to the swimming pool. My son loved the counselors and found them to be very engaging with the children and they even taught him new games and crafts. The admin also did a great job of sharing what we needed to prepare each week and pictures of how the week went. My son was so sad when it was over and will be very excited to go next year! CHANGES: DETAILS: Age of child; 6 … Weeks attended: 5
  • Review from the Fall 2023 & Spring 2024 Afterschool Survey

    REVIEW: Some fun specialty activities like robotics and soccer. But also lots of free play with peers. Skills learned: Really got into imaginative play, making friends outside of school/expanded social circle, lots of creative arts, was able to get some physical energy out with lots of outdoor playing What would you change? Wish that pizza Fridays would come back weekly instead of once a month! Age of child: 7
  • Review from the Fall 2023 & Spring 2024 Afterschool Survey

    REVIEW: Beansprouts picked my daughter up from PS 124 every afternoon after school and along with her came other students going to the same afterschool spot. She really enjoyed doing ceramics, and going to the gym, going to the "big yard", reading books, and doing share and tell. She tells me that she did not like having to clean up after herself when she was done playing. ;-) They give a snack when they arrive and my daughter says she likes them. Sun chips, applesauce, crackers with cheese sticks, Pirate Booty, goldfish crackers.T Skills learned: What would you change? The location was pretty far for us as we live in South Slope and it became more of an issue when my son started Daycare at a place on 17th St in January and I then had to make it to Beansprouts before they close at 6pm. Luckily I work from home but I had to start the whole pick up process by 5 to get everyone home and ready for dinner. Age of child: 4-5 years old
  • Aftercare that picks up from K280 Bishop Ford?

    Another strong recommendation for Beansprouts.
  • Aftercare that picks up from K280 Bishop Ford?

    Beansprouts picks up from k280 and bring them back to 6th ave and 8th st location for 6pm pickup. Since we lived near there it was amazing to only do longish commute one -way. But depends where you live. Separate from pickup, we loved beansprouts and continuing with them this year. They didn’t charge anything extra for pickup from k280. Another benefit is if you are after school family, you can also attend minicamps on most of the random days off (including pickup also when they have half days)
  • Review from the 2023 Summer Camp Survey

    Location: Park Slope, 7th Street How old was your child when they attended camp this summer? 4-5 Review: Our son has gone to beansprouts for two years now, starting as a 4yr old rising kindergartner and this summer as a rising 1st grader. He’s really enjoyed both years, and we’ve been happy that he gets to go swimming and go on biweekly outings to places he’s loved like trampoline parks and to see shows. What would you change about the program, if anything, and why? Nothing.
  • Review from the 2023 Summer Camp Survey

    Location: Beansprouts campus How old was your child when they attended camp this summer? 2 and a half Review: Camp was very much like their school schedule except with drop off in a swimsuit and water play in the Big Yard. We liked the consistency of the place and people, and even most of the friends in our kid's class from the school year. We liked being able to sign up for certain weeks of the summer and not the ones when we had other plans booked. We didn't like how much transience we felt from the room during camp, especially in comparison to how intentionally they met each kid and built relationships and routines over the school year. I appreciate that's conflicting with the part about week-by-week sign up, but it felt missing. There was much less communication with families from the room as well. What would you change about the program, if anything, and why? Add more weeks, improve communication with families, have a more intentional arc even if kids miss parts.
  • Review from the 2023 Summer Camp Survey

    Location: 446 6th Avenue How old was your child when they attended camp this summer? 3 Review: An amazing warm and loving preschool experience during the summer! We did not go to Beansprouts during the year and it was a lovely transition. Sprinklers and water play every morning,
  • Review from the 2023 Summer Camp Survey

    Location: 410 6th Ave How old was your child when they attended camp this summer? 5 (incoming 1st) Review: My daughter loved her time here. 2 weekly field trips (though the walking distance for some of those was aggressive IMO), twice weekly swimming (bussed to Midwood), sweet counselors who knew everyone’s name, great onsite outdoor space, weekly ice cream Fridays and weekly pictures. What would you change about the program, if anything, and why? More insight into which counselors work with which groups and when they are rolling off for the summer. Figuring out who to tip was a challenge.
  • Review from the 2023 Summer Camp Survey

    Location: 6th avenue between 7th and 8th streets How old was your child when they attended camp this summer? 5 years old Review: Our son attended seven weeks of camp at beansprouts and was very happy from the start and excited to return next year. They seemed to do a good rotation of activities that keeps the kids interested and excited. Trips one day per week, a school bus to a swimming pool one day per week, soccer at JJ Byrne one day per week.
  • Review from the 2023 Summer Camp Survey

    Location: Park Slope How old was your child when they attended camp this summer? 3 Review: Loved the activities, the outdoor space, the snacks. Would you like to add anything related to COVID and how the camp handled it? The camp let us know when there was exposure.
  • Review from the 2023 Summer Camp Survey

    Location: Park slope How old was your child when they attended camp this summer? 4.5 Review: Well planned activities - with art, gym and water play!. Wouldn’t do it for more than a few weeks
  • Review from the 2023 Summer Camp Survey

    Location: Park Slope How old was your child when they attended camp this summer? 3 Review: The camp is great. They have their own outdoor space and different specialty areas like music and sports. They also have really good hours with their early drop off and after care options.
  • Review from the 2023 Summer Camp Survey

    Location: 453 6th Ave How old was your child when they attended camp this summer? 6 Review: We absolutely loved Beansprouts camp this summer. They take the children on two (very exciting) field trips each week, and there are also two swim days — our son had so much fun and was exhausted, in a good way! The counselors are caring and fun, with seemingly unending energy. The camp is well organized and they send a weekly email with lots of photos. What would you change about the program, if anything, and why? We also use Beansprouts for after school, and I found it a bit inconvenient that summer camp starts (and after school ends) before public schools let out for the summer. That meant that we had a few days of school with no after-care, and unless we wanted to pay for a full week but only use a couple of days, we couldn't attend Beansprouts camp for the first couple of days of summer. We made it work by enrolling in another camp by the day for those days, but it seems like most of their customer base must be public school families so they might consider offering a more flexible option for the start of summer. Not a dealbreaker by any means but something to know!
  • Review from the 2023 Summer Camp Survey

    Location: 454 6th Avenue How old was your child when they attended camp this summer? 4 Review: My daughter loved going to beansprouts camp for 4 weeks! It had a great mix of indoor and outdoor activities. She loved the time in the yard and going to local public school gym. She really enjoyed the weekly music with Greg and ice cream Fridays. It was well balanced with arts and play. We would definitely sign up again.
  • Review from the 2023 Summer Camp Survey

    Location: 7th street and 6th ave location How old was your child when they attended camp this summer? 4 Review: He was in the "intermediate" group that's entering Kindergarten in the fall, and he really liked this summer's range of activities. They did weekly swimming trips (taking a bus to another location), adventure trips (to Staten Island zoo, Kids in Action, etc., but also just to the park to do urban rangers, a nice mix) and soccer over at JJ Byrne, plus messy art days and ice cream on Fridays. What would you change about the program, if anything, and why? I wish they'd provide snack (if not lunch, I know that is a bigger expense).
  • Review from the 2023 Summer Camp Survey

    Location: 421 7th Avenue How old was your child when they attended camp this summer? 5 Review: He liked it all! What would you change about the program, if anything, and why? More communication about how my kid is doing. I wasn't worried b/c he's happy, but it would be nice to know. Would you like to add anything related to COVID and how the camp handled it? N/A. No covid exposures as of yet that I know of.
  • Review from the 2023 Summer Camp Survey

    Location: Park slope How old was your child when they attended camp this summer? 6 Review: We love Beansprouts. Rising 1st has been so much fun. Every Monday and Wednesday they go to a local pool and every Tuesday and Thursday they go on some pretty epic field trips. Friday is ice cream Friday. They’re all over the five boroughs! I love the fact that it was a brutally hot summer and they did a lot of inside trips. They also had plenty of opportunity to be outside. Every week is a new week technically, so it was a bit annoying that every Monday it was a long line and drop off took forever. But I guess that’s what happens when you can sign up weekly. We just happened to sign up for all 10 weeks. We love the staff. My son has had the best summer. What would you change about the program, if anything, and why? Drop off could be more efficient
  • Review from the 2023 Summer Camp Survey

    Location: Various How old was your child when they attended camp this summer? 4 and 5 (two children) Review: Beansprouts Day Camp is so unbelievably wonderful. Our experience has brought such joy to our lives - both kids and parents! We had two kids in camp, ages 4 and 5. From the folks in administration, the head counselors, assistant counselors, to everyone involved - we really found it to be delightful. Our 4 year old loved her counselors, loved doing art work, loved playing in the Big Yard, going in the sprinklers, ice cream Fridays, Music with Greg, and making so many little friends. Our 5 year old had so much going on field trips! The zoo, the aquarium, weekly swims, amusement parks! It was truly such a summer of discovery for her. Her counselors became her "besties", and often she asked us to come late to pick her up so she could stay and have fun longer. The counselors in particular I want to highlight as being so thoughtful and kind to kiddos - giving an extra gentle smile or gesture of silliness to help calm nerves, going above and beyond to make sure they felt save and loved. Truly - we love Beansprouts! What would you change about the program, if anything, and why? I wish the 4 year old program was an extra week long!
  • Review from the 2023 Summer Camp Survey

    Location: 6th Ave and 8th St in Park Slope How old was your child when they attended camp this summer? 6 years Review: Lots of fun trips, periodic non-instructional swim, lots of play time, some crafts and light sports What would you change about the program, if anything, and why? A more established swim program would help the camp compete with others in the neighborhood
  • Review from the 2023 Summer Camp Survey

    Location: Park Slope How old was your child when they attended camp this summer? 2 & 4 Review: Both kids loved the activities and counselors. No complaints! They had a great summer!
  • Review from the 2023 Summer Camp Survey

    Location: 7th street/6th ave How old was your child when they attended camp this summer? 5 Review: The camp had tons of great trips, swimming twice a week, soccer on Fridays and ice cream every Friday! He loved it and even on days when he didn't feel like leaving home, he was happy as a clam to get there. What would you change about the program, if anything, and why? I'd like more feedback about my kid but that's always true
  • Review from the 2023 Summer Camp Survey

    Location: 453 6th Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11215 How old was your child when they attended camp this summer? 8 (almost 9), entering 4th grade Review: Beansprouts is a good mix of indoor and outdoor activities, and field trips. The older kids go swimming twice a week, and go on a field trip twice a week (e.g. Bronx Zoo, laser tag, parkour, AMNH, bowling, Coney Island's Lunar Park, the aquarium, ninja academy, etc). Every Friday there is a talent show, and an ice cream truck comes. I like that Beansprouts has solid indoor space with their gym and classrooms, so if you have a kid that needs some summer A/C and board games, gaga, basketball, dodgeball, etc inside, they aren't outside all day if that isn't their vibe. The counselors are a little bit older and more experienced, and my kid has developed strong relationships with many of them (even outside of their group, from after school). It's a good balance of programming and free play. What would you change about the program, if anything, and why? Nothing, my kid wants to go back every year, and always finds a good crew. Would you like to add anything related to COVID and how the camp handled it? It's just the standard CDC guidance.
  • ISO summer camp recs for rising kindergartener

    Hi – we have sent our son to Beansprouts camp for the last two summers and he absolutely loves it. The first summer he was four years old and this past summer he turned five – he’s now in kindergarten. The curriculum or whatever you call it for camp for rising K is really cool because they go on field trips. He loved taking a bus! He went to pre-K there - we are a beansprouts family! We work full time so the late pick up is also great.
  • Review from the Fall 2022 After School Survey

    Location: 410 6th Ave Park Slope Name of the specific program, if applicable: elementary after school program How old was your child during the Fall 2022 semester? 5 What kind of program is it? general activities after school program Review: A great space for hanging out with friends, free playing, doing arts and crafts including ceramics, games, playground/secure outdoors space, snack time. It's a perfect balance between fun and enrichment. This is our second child to go through this program and we love it so much. I think Beansprouts hires some of the best staff available. What skills did your child develop? Deep friendships with kids from other elementary schools across Park Slope, willingness to take risks, well-developed sense of humor, improved art skills, uses imagination in every day free play time. What would you change about the program, if anything, and why? Honestly, I wouldn't change a thing!
  • Review from the 2022 Summer Camp Survey

    Location: 410 6th Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11215 How old was your child when they attended camp this summer? 4.5 Review: Our daughter loved camp. Each day of the week had specified activities so the structure was clear and each week had a theme so most activities related to that theme throughout the week. Activities included: Soccer through Park Slope United (held at JJ Byrne astroturf), messy art (outside), swimming (school bus to local space), off-site field trip (such great excursions!), and an ice cream truck. My daughter's group had three main counselors assigned and each were great. Also appreciated the weekly summary emails with photos. There was great communication from the administrative team and counselors to keep parents abreast of what was going on as well as any concerns or challenges that arose. What would you change about the program, if anything, and why? Only issue was the handling of COVID. See next response. Would you like to add anything related to COVID and how the camp handled it? COVID swept through our daughter's group. I wish Beansprouts had instituted their own mask mandate despite the Mayor rescinding the citywide mandate. We encouraged our daughter to wear her mask regardless and I know she did but it wasn't consistent. Also, we only know several kids in her group had it because we know the parents -- Beansprouts did not communicate it in any way. We notified them about our daughter as soon as she tested positive but to our knowledge, no email went out. I was disappointed about this as I think they should have communicated when a case was reported, if only to encourage testing at home. Our daughter was asymptomatic so she spread it to the whole household before we could adopt prevention measures. We only know because I showed symptoms and then tested positive.
  • Review from the 2022 Summer Camp Survey

    Location: 9th st and sixth avenue How old was your child when they attended camp this summer? 2 turning 3 Review: Warm, caring, apparently fun experience. Would benefit from a bit more communication What would you change about the program, if anything, and why? More communication
  • Review from the 2022 Summer Camp Survey

    Location: Park Slope How old was your child when they attended camp this summer? 4 & 8 Review: My youngest went to the summer program after he finished their 3K program. He loves Beansprouts. The staff is amazing. He just missed the immersive project-based learning he had during the school year. My 8 year old went the Beansprouts seniors. She had an absolutely fantastic time! Trips 4 days a week, games, chances for learning & discovery. The other kids were so kind and inclusive. And again, amazing staff. Would you like to add anything related to COVID and how the camp handled it? Clear communication
  • Review from the 2022 Summer Camp Survey

    Location: Park Slope How old was your child when they attended camp this summer? Five Review: Our son and we enjoyed our first experience with Beansprouts summer camp. They provided wonderful opportunities that brought my son a bit more out of his shell and helped him to talk about experiences. My son’s counselors were very thoughtful. The administrator answered all of my questions thoughtfully ahead of time, looking at the communication as an investment in an ongoing relationship. We hope to return. What would you change about the program, if anything, and why? N/a Would you like to add anything related to COVID and how the camp handled it? Kids were given the option of masks. They were in alignment with the public school system. I’m sure there is more but keeping the protocols straight at particular moments is challenging. On another medical note, we were comforted with how they handled food allergies.
  • Review from the 2022 Summer Camp Survey

    Location: Park Slope How old was your child when they attended camp this summer? 7 Review: My son had a great mix of indoor and outdoor time. He went on a lot of cool field trips (Natural History Museum, Bronx Zoo, bowling, ninja course) What would you change about the program, if anything, and why? Nothing Would you like to add anything related to COVID and how the camp handled it? They did a great job, and were very transparent.
  • Review from the 2022 Summer Camp Survey

    Location: Park Slope, 8th St between 6th & 7th Ave How old was your child when they attended camp this summer? 4 Review: My child LOVED camp this year, because for the first time they were able to ride the school bus and do all sorts of fun adventures around the city. He was excited to go everyday and all of the teachers were great. We are big fans of Beansprouts. Would you like to add anything related to COVID and how the camp handled it? They followed city wide procedures; felt very safe and comfortable - did not have any issues.
  • Review from the 2022 Summer Camp Survey

    Location: Park Slope How old was your child when they attended camp this summer? 7 Review: My son loved Beansprouts-- there were many more field trips than they have had in previous summers (due to the pandemic), and the older kids had swimming twice a week. It is a fantastic camp, and I think it's a positive thing that they have quality air conditioned space for the super hot weeks. The counselors are experienced and really care about the campers.
  • Review from the 2022 Summer Camp Survey

    Location: 8th Street and 6th Ave How old was your child when they attended camp this summer? 5 (rising 1st grader) Review: My child really liked this camp! They have a lot of fun activities that he has enjoyed and seem to be well staffed. I like that they have a dedicated indoor space with lots of toys/activities, which was great on hot days and I think provided a nice space for my child to relax when he needed a break. What would you change about the program, if anything, and why? Nothing Would you like to add anything related to COVID and how the camp handled it? There were a couple of cases of Covid in my child's group and the school required proof of a negative at home test the next 2 days before my child could return.
  • Review from the 2022 Summer Camp Survey

    Location: Park Slope How old was your child when they attended camp this summer? 2 Review: Nice space with outdoor play area just for the littlest ones. The activities seemed good and well thought out. There was no ‘bedding in’ sessions which resulted in screaming and unsettled kids at drop off and there was little to reassure parents that kids were fine during the day. It didn’t really work as an ‘intro camp’ - I was hoping it would help prepare my kid to start Beansprouts in September but that didn’t seem to be the aim. What would you change about the program, if anything, and why? More flexibility for parents. Better settling in and communication could all be improved. Allowing parents in the classroom to settle the kids at the start would really help. In a class of 15 kids, key workers assigned to a small group of children could provide a better structure. Accessible web cams for parents or just more communication through the day would help parents know their child is settled.
  • Review from the 2022 Summer Camp Survey

    Location: 6th Ave How old was your child when they attended camp this summer? 10 Review: We’ve been a long-time Beansprouts summer camp family—the twice-weekly swimming and twice-weekly field trips really make for a fun and active time. It always feels well-run and the counselors seem happy and enthusiastic, which goes a long way towards a positive experience! What would you change about the program, if anything, and why? I wish it allowed slightly older kids too
  • Review from the 2022 Summer Camp Survey

    Location: Park Slope How old was your child when they attended camp this summer? 5 Review: Our son absolutely loved Beansprouts summer camp. He told us directly that he liked it better than any other he has gone to and we could see that by how happy he was to go each day. They have so many fun activities that keep even the most active kids happy. The staff were well organized and extremely lovely. I would recommend it without hesitation and we are definitely planning on sending our son back next year. The only part our son didn’t love was after camp. He would ask us to pick him up early and said there were not enough activities so it seems as though he was a bit bored in the after camp.
  • Review from the 2022 Summer Camp Survey

    Location: Multiple - 6th Ave locations, full time Mon-Fri all summer How old was your child when they attended camp this summer? 4 and 3 Review: Pros: > Our kids go to Beansprouts for nursery and Pre-k so they were already familiar with fellow campers and teachers, which is a nice benefit. > we loved that they had outdoor play every day combined with education/ art/ structure. > The kids love ice cream Fridays! > The teachers in general are very thoughtful, professional, and caring. They take an interest in the kiddos and want to make them feel safe, cared for, and to have fun with them! > there is a monthly calendar that is helpful, as it shows all the fun things the kids do and helps parents get the kids excited to go to camp Cons: > the teachers changed multiple times throughout the summer, for both of my kids’ programs. It made it a lot harder on the kids - change is hard! And was really confusing for parents too. There was no advance warning or schedule for these changes so no chance to help the kids adjust. What would you change about the program, if anything, and why? I really wish the teachers didn’t change so frequently Would you like to add anything related to COVID and how the camp handled it? There was no COVID protocol at all.
  • Review from the 2022 Summer Camp Survey

    Location: 8th Street How old was your child when they attended camp this summer? 3 Review: Our son really liked the summer camp at Beansprouts. He was enrolled in their school program, so he had lots of existing friends but also made new ones!
  • Review from the 2022 Summer Camp Survey

    Location: Park Slope How old was your child when they attended camp this summer? 2 Review: here was a range of activities to keep her busy and engaged. The camp also has plenty of outdoor space. I also appreciated that parents were sent a weekly schedule. What would you change about the program, if anything, and why? Overall, we would rate the experience a 5 out 10. There seemed to be a lot of turnover with little communication as to who was currently working there. At one point a head counselor just sort of disappeared and was never spoken of again after a week and a half. Counselors appeared stressed and disorganized. My child's things often went missing, though clearly labeled, or she was sent home with the wrong clothing or other items. At times she came home with heavily stained/dirty clothing that should have been changed, shoes on the wrong feet, and spilled food in her bags from being put away improperly. At times, it was clear that she hadn't been taken to wash her hands. By my daughters last week there she began to repeat inappropriate phrases (not curses), that she clearly picked up from camp counselors. Complaints to the director were met with empty apologies and not much else.
  • Review from the 2022 Summer Camp Survey

    Location: Park Slope How old was your child when they attended camp this summer? 5 Review: The camp was awesome - very good head teacher that got back to us immediately with all emails. They swam once a week at a swimming pool and took a bus to get there. There were many interesting weekly excursions to the carousel, zoo, museums etc. He loved it!
  • Recommendation - Kids Orbit versus Beansprouts for Kindergartener at PS 321?

    We started at Beansprouts last year and then moved over to Kids Orbit. They are very similar and our boys enjoyed both. I would say a minor advantage of Beansprouts is they offer mini camps on days off. Whereas a minor advantage of Kids Orbit is all of the kids are 321, so it’s easier to make new friend connections with kids they’ll likely see often over the years. Plus the kids don’t have to trudge through any bad weather, and it’s a bit cheaper. At the end of the day, for us, it was just about location. PS 321 is far closer than Beansprouts to our apartment, so they won our.
  • ISO recommendations for summer day camp for 4 yrs old!

    We did a mix last summer: Ume Ume (music and art) on 4th Ave & 3rd Street, Beansprouts on 6th Ave and 8th Street, and One World Project (Spanish immersion) in Windsor Terrace. Our son (who had just turned 4) loved all of them.
  • Summer camp for 2.5 yr olds

    My daughter went to Beansprouts last year and is going again this year. She had a blast - lots of outdoor time and they have ice cream truck Fridays. The camp runs from 6/20 - 8/19
  • Summer camp for 2.5 yr olds

    My son will be 2.5 in June and will be going to Beansprouts summer camp. My older kid has gone for three summers now and loves it as well.
  • Thoughts on the Beansprouts after school program?

    My son went to Beansprouts afterschool from pre-K to 4th grade, getting picked up from PS39 across the street, 5 days a week until the last year or two, and was very happy there. This is from a few years back because he's now in 8th grade, but I see the same senior staffers around, so I doubt it has changed all that much (although I can't speak to the Covid protocols). It's a nice mix of homework and activities, and mainly was a place to hang out with kids who became friends (he still has a friend or two from there who weren't at PS39). They get some time outside, which is nice. Also, they usually run programs for all of the days off, and half-day camps for school half days, which is very convenient, and the summer camp is good - I would say a little more laid-back than some (which suited my son till 3rd grade or so, although we mixed in other camps too). The number of kids at the afterschool drops a lot starting in 3rd grade, when we did add a different, focused camp one day a week; and in 4th grade my son started to get bored, depending on which of his friends were there on particular days of the week. For unrelated reasons, I started freelancing from home about halfway through that year and we cut back his days. But if you want and your son likes it, it will see you most of the way through grade school.
  • Thoughts on the Beansprouts after school program?

    My son went to Beansprouts afterschool from pre-K to 4th grade, getting picked up from PS39 across the street, 5 days a week until the last year or two, and was very happy there. This is from a few years back because he's now in 8th grade, but I see the same senior staffers around, so I doubt it has changed all that much (although I can't speak to the Covid protocols). It's a nice mix of homework and activities, and mainly was a place to hang out with kids who became friends (he still has a friend or two from there who weren't at PS39). They get some time outside, which is nice. Also, they usually run programs for all of the days off, and half-day camps for school half days, which is very convenient, and the summer camp is good - I would say a little more laid-back than some (which suited my son till 3rd grade or so, although we mixed in other camps too). The number of kids at the afterschool drops a lot starting in 3rd grade, when we did add a different, focused camp one day a week; and in 4th grade my son started to get bored, depending on which of his friends were there on particular days of the week. For unrelated reasons, I started freelancing from home about halfway through that year and we cut back his days. But if you want and your son likes it, it will see you most of the way through grade school.
  • Thoughts on the Beansprouts after school program?

    We started it this year (1st grade) and have no complaints so far. Our boys love it too — they complain if we pick them up earlier than the other kids. :)
  • Review from the Fall 2021 After School Survey

    Name of the specific program, if applicable: After school How old was your child during the Fall 2021 semester? 5 When was your child enrolled in the program/at the facility? After school What kind of program is it? After school Review: Our child was really struggling in the after school program offered at his school (I think it was just too overwhelming for him) so we switched him to Beansprouts and it has made a huge difference. When we pick him up he's always in a good mood and he tells us that he enjoys his time there, which is a big change from his prior program. What would you change about the program, if anything, and why? Greater variety of snacks maybe
  • Review from the 2021 Summer Camp Survey

    Name of camp: Beansprouts Location: 506 6th Avenue How old was your child when they attended camp this summer? 4 Review: She did not at all like camp, though she seemed to have fun all day At pick up. It's possibly due to the fact she was home during covid since last March. She only attended BS TTH since end of March 2021. She has been crying for 10-15 mins every time at drop off.
  • Review from the 2021 Summer Camp Survey

    Name of camp: Beansprouts Location: Park Slope (Sixers) How old was your child when they attended camp this summer? 5.75 Review: Our son loved this camp. He adored his counselors, telling jokes at the talent show, trips to JJ Byrne and Prospect Park and swimming at Midwood pool and the ice cream truck. No complaints! He misses camp now and wants to go back next summer. What would you change about the program, if anything, and why? No changes to recommend, other than that our son was constantly losing his camp t shirt Would you like to add anything related to COVID and how the camp handled it? Masks were required indoors and optional outdoors but it seemed like most kids wore them outside. No covid related incidents that we were aware of the protocols seemed clear and easy.
  • Review from the 2021 Summer Camp Survey

    Name of camp: Beansprouts Location: 7th Street How old was your child when they attended camp this summer? 5 y/o Review: My son had a lot of fun at camp. The camp counselors were fun and energetic. They followed a pretty standard schedule- free play, outside time in the yard/sprinklers and at the park, and art time. They also had swim and soccer once a week although swim was just fun time in the pool and not really lessons. My son enjoyed his time there overall but I think was a little bored by the routine of it by the end of the summer. That said, he always came home happy. What would you change about the program, if anything, and why? I’d recommend adding more variety of activities. Maybe more field trips… Would you like to add anything related to COVID and how the camp handled it? Overal I think the camp had a good mask wearing policy and I think they should keep that in place and keep up enforcement of it.
  • Review from the 2021 Summer Camp Survey

    Name of camp: Beansprouts Location: 6th Ave How old was your child when they attended camp this summer? 5 and 3 Review: I sent my 2 year old (almost 3) and 5 year to camp at Beansprouts this summer. They quality of teachers/counselors at Beansprouts is top notch and you can tell how much they care about the children. Great activities especially with the 5 year old, they even did swim lessons once a week! What would you change about the program, if anything, and why? Nothing- it’s a great program Would you like to add anything related to COVID and how the camp handled it? Covid safe, all counselors are vaccinated and they requires masks + temperature checks
  • Review from the 2021 Summer Camp Survey

    Name of camp: BeanSprouts Location: Park slope How old was your child when they attended camp this summer? 3.5-4 Review: He loved it! It was really great. Nice teachers and staff. So happy with it. Would you like to add anything related to COVID and how the camp handled it? All staff are vaccinated and when delta came in fill force they had kids wear masks again
  • Review from the 2021 Summer Camp Survey

    Name of camp: Beansprouts Location: 7th Street How old was your child when they attended camp this summer? 5 Review: My son had a wonderful time at Beansprouts. It was very warm and felt similar to his preschool. They had a lot of outside time in the sprinklers and also did really nice art projects indoors. He came home happy everyday. Would you like to add anything related to COVID and how the camp handled it? I think they did a good job. Kids wore masks inside the classroom but they have lots of private outdoor space where the kids could be safe without masks on.
  • Review from the 2021 Summer Camp Survey

    Name of camp: Beansprouts Location: 453 6th Ave Brooklyn, NY 11215 How old was your child when they attended camp this summer? 4 Review: My child loved this camp so much from the very beginning. I think they did a lovely job running it.
  • Review from the 2021 Summer Camp Survey

    Name of camp: Beansprouts Location: Park Slope How old was your child when they attended camp this summer? 6 Review: My son had a great summer with fun activities. He spent a lot of time outside and being active. I think he loved every minute of it. He would come home tired just about every day. What would you change about the program, if anything, and why? I wish that the camp did more swim lessons, but I understand that this is a Covid challenge.
  • Review from the 2021 Summer Camp Survey

    Name of camp: Beansprouts Location: Park Slope How old was your child when they attended camp this summer? 6 (nearly 7) Review: My daughter loved everything about Beansprouts. She went happily everyday and is very sad that it's ending. It's our second year (skipped last summer due to covid) and we'd absolutely enroll again next summer. What would you change about the program, if anything, and why? Nothing. I look forward to post-covid times when they can have more swim instruction though. Would you like to add anything related to COVID and how the camp handled it? I felt they were very safe. Great masking and very conscientious.
  • Review from the 2021 Summer Camp Survey

    Name of camp: Beansprouts Location: 6th Ave and 8th st How old was your child when they attended camp this summer? 5 1/2 Review: My daughter loved attending Beansprouts this summer despite covid restrictions. She loved the few times the camp was able to take them swimming. Our house is overflowing with crafts and her creations. Of course, she also loved Fridays when camp has its weekly talent show and ice cream truck. What would you change about the program, if anything, and why? More swimming and field trips (We understand they did the best they could because of covid restrictions). Would you like to add anything related to COVID and how the camp handled it? Everyone seemed great about mask wearing and temperature taking. No covid cases all summer that I'm aware of. I don't know what more Beansprouts could have done to keep the kids and counselors safe.
  • Review from the 2021 Summer Camp Survey

    Name of camp: Beansprouts Location: 8th St and 6th Ave Park Slope How old was your child when they attended camp this summer? 4 Review: Our son attends Beansprouts for nursery school during the year, so camp is a continuation of everything that makes Beansprouts a great place. Camp is looser, less formal, fewer "educational" programs, more water play and outdoor time, messier. What would you change about the program, if anything, and why? Not things I would necessarily change but some things to know: camp is primarily the same kids we already knew from the school year. The counselors tend to be younger and not the typical master of early childhood education types that are teachers during the school year. Would you like to add anything related to COVID and how the camp handled it? Beansprouts handles COVID matters wonderfully.
  • Review from the 2021 Summer Camp Survey

    Name of camp: Beansprouts Location: 8th street and 7th street How old was your child when they attended camp this summer? 4 and 6 Review: This is our 4th year sending our oldest to Beansprouts. It's been a wonderful experience. The counselors are all very attentive and thoughtful, fun-spirited, energetic individuals. They have loads of engaging games and materials and tons of creative projects for the kids. What would you change about the program, if anything, and why? I would change things that the program lost due to the pandemic. There is usually supposed to be more trips and more swim instruction. Would you like to add anything related to COVID and how the camp handled it? Yes, Beansprouts handled the pandemic very professionally and safely: last summer and this summer. It was just perfect.
  • Any insight on local summer camps for 2021?

    Bean Sprouts has a great program and definitely allows non-enrolled kids. My middle kid did camp there when he was 3.5 and he had a great time. Highlights are the amazing outdoor space, "messy art", and ice cream on Fridays! Honestly, very few camps are available for kids under 4. Really it's just nursery school camps and those are almost always reserved for kids who attend the school.
  • Review from the 2020 Summer Camp Survey

    Age of child: 3-4 Comment: My child was so so happy to be with kids again and just blossomed to them and the staff. It was a beautiful sight to see at pick-up, and a huge relief that we all pulled off a healthy day camp experience during COVID! What would you change about the program, if anything, and why? As safe and successful as the summer was, I still advocate for kids to wear masks if three or older. I wish the program had required masks on the children, even if just to keep kids practiced when around others! Anything related to COVID and how the camp handled it you'd like to add? These folks did a great job. So much preparation, so much perseverance and dedication to the plan. Masks should be required for the kids, too though, not just the staff.
  • Review from the 2020 Summer Camp Survey

    Age of child: 5 Comment: Camp was fantastic. Our child did a number of art projects and after camp came back home a child with her energy well spent and happy What would you change about the program, if anything, and why? Nothing, hopefully could have had longer hours Anything related to COVID and how the camp handled it you'd like to add? The camp kept the groups small and had the same consistent counselors the whole time. They checked temperatures on the way in and parents weren't allowed inside
  • Review from the 2020 Summer Camp Survey

    Age of child: 4 Comment: My kid came alive again after quarantine! She was so excited to go in the morning and beaming when we picked her up! Also it’s 6 hrs so a good chunk of the day :) The teachers/counselors were fantastic. Could not have been happier with our experience! Anything related to COVID and how the camp handled it you'd like to add? Did temp check and family health questions each morning. Adults wore masks and classes didn’t mix.
  • Review from the 2020 Summer Camp Survey

    Age of child: 8 Comment: Beansprouts was great - they really did their best with what they could, and while it wasn’t the same camp experience as last year, it was worth every penny. Highly recommend it. What would you change about the program, if anything, and why? Would love more flexibility around days and after school Anything related to COVID and how the camp handled it you'd like to add? Beansprouts handled Covid very well - indeed, I feel they highlighted how badly DOE has handled Covid. I’d recommend hiring whoever runs beansprouts to head the DOE - id feel both safer and more confident that my kids will learn something.
  • Review from the 2020 Summer Camp Survey

    Age of child: 4.75 Comment: It was wonderful. The safety protocols put forth in writing from the very start of the season ans implemented throughout the summer made us feel confident sending her. She loved it. She went outdoors every day to play in sprinklers, she did tons and tons of arts and crafts and had an absolute blast.
  • Review from the 2020 Summer Camp Survey

    Age of child: 5/6 Comment: My son attended in the time of covid, so he didn't go on any field trips or do swimming, etc. But it was very positive for him, he did art projects, started to learn chess, got exercise, enjoyed ice cream every Friday, played in the sprinklers, and made some friends. Anything related to COVID and how the camp handled it you'd like to add? They took temperatures and the kids wore masks.
  • Review from the 2020 Summer Camp Survey

    Age of child: 7 and 10 Comment: Warm and engaging counselors, and the kids really enjoyed playing in Prospect Park and climbing trees. Anything related to COVID and how the camp handled it you'd like to add? Lots of outdoor time, which was much appreciated! Initially there was concern because kids weren’t always wearing masks indoors, but they became much stricter about it and it improved greatly.
  • Review from the 2020 Summer Camp Survey

    Age of child: 2 and 5 Comment: Teachers and staff took safety procedures seriously - masks for the teachers, temperature checks for the kids. The kids werent forced to wear masks so expectations were clear. ChildRen loved the arts and crafts! They loved hanging out with friends. The yard time was a highlight with sprinklers. Ice cream fridays were the best! What would you change about the program, if anything, and why? More walks outside around the neighborhood Anything related to COVID and how the camp handled it you'd like to add?
  • Review from the 2020 Summer Camp Survey

    Age of child: 2 Comment: We loved our Beansprouts camp experience. Our son attended for four weeks, and we felt an immediate trust with his teachers -- he loved every day, made friends, and was excited to come back each morning. This was his first 'school-like' experience, and they attended well to the transition and were great communicators throughout. We got photos throughout the week, and daily sheets with a report on key updates from the day. Anything related to COVID and how the camp handled it you'd like to add? Beansprouts took good and reasonable COVID precautions that made us feel as safe as possible, and were in touch before and throughout the summer with updates and keeping our expectations in check.
  • Review from the 2020 Summer Camp Survey

    Age of child: 5 and 3 Comment: They both loved it. It was my 3-yr old's first time, but my 5-yr old's third summer at Beansprouts. I sensed relief and joy from him since he has missed out on socializing for so long. For my 3-yr old, it was his first venture outside of his nurturing daycare, but he made a seamless transition. The counselors at Beansprouts are always energetic and keep all activities really engaging. Beansprouts is incredibly organized and reliable. I find that to be very reassuring. What would you change about the program, if anything, and why? Nothing. Anything related to COVID and how the camp handled it you'd like to add? The camp handled COVID exceptionally well. They strictly adhered to their pods, and were vigilant about the temperature scans and questions to parents. I really trusted them whole-heartedly with both my kids.
  • Review from the 2020 Summer Camp Survey

    Age of child: 5.5 years old Comment: My rising K son attended beansprouts for 9 weeks (July/August) and LOVED it. They have a program specifically for rising K kids, which meant he was grouped with kids of the same age/size/development. They split their time between indoors (in a consistent pod of 10 kids and 2 counselors) and the various Beansprouts outdoor play areas (sprinklers, two playgrounds, large indoor gym). I’ve never seen him produce so much art in 3 years of preschool - he did paintings, etchings, tie dye, clay, sculptures, and more. He made friends and generally seemed to have a blast. Every day he was excited to go (which is not always the case with preschool). The counselors were kind and enthusiastic and seemed to have no problem handling the kids safely and compassionately. The central office was also very easy to communicate with, answered the phone, and responded promptly to email. It was overall a great experience for us. What would you change about the program, if anything, and why? Things that are not possible because of Covid, like adding swimming and more structured sports/outdoor time. Anything related to COVID and how the camp handled it you'd like to add? The counselors wore masks but the kids did not. I would have preferred that the kids wore masks as well, but I understand that they did not believe it would be possible for the counselors to enforce consistent mask wearing by the kids. They did daily temperature checks multiple times during the day (at drop off, snack time, and lunchtime).
  • Review from the 2020 Summer Camp Survey

    Age of child: Four years old Comment: Was thrilled to be back in a social situation for the first time during the pandemic. Really enjoyed the routine of going to the playground and playing with sprinklers most every morning. His fellow campers were good friends and counselors were warm and supportive. What would you change about the program, if anything, and why? More outdoors and less indoors would have been better Anything related to COVID and how the camp handled it you'd like to add? There was one covid case in a different cohort of campers and the camp properly disclosed it and isolated the relevant staff and campers. Did not require the younger age groups to wear masks, probably should have, though groups were quite small which mitigates risk.
  • Review from the 2020 Summer Camp Survey

    Age of child: 4 Comment: So strange to be reviewing in the context of these times. The camp was great - after several months of lockdown our daughter could not have been happier. Precautions were sensible. Her teacher Michelle was a star, particularly when it came to interesting craft projects. The whole program was the big bright spot in our summer. What would you change about the program, if anything, and why? Given the craziness of these times, I think everything ran as well as could be hoped. Anything related to COVID and how the camp handled it you'd like to add?
  • Review from the 2020 Summer Camp Survey

    Age of child: 3.5 Comment: A great experience in challenging times, my kid went briefly for non-consecutive weeks and they were still so helpful in listening to what his needs were. He came home happy and even napped there when he had never had to nap in a school/camp environment before. A+ Anything related to COVID and how the camp handled it you'd like to add? They had a staffer test positive before we started and were transparent about it, which I really appreciated it.
  • Review from the 2020 Summer Camp Survey

    Age of child: 3 Comment: Art, outside time with the jungle gym and sprinkler, toys, ice cream Fridays. Our son seemed to like it all. I got a very limited view (no parents allowed in the classrooms, no chance to have longer conversations with teachers), but he was happy, so that was good enough for us. What would you change about the program, if anything, and why? Wish there wasn’t a pandemic going on! Anything related to COVID and how the camp handled it you'd like to add? No Covid incidences in my sons class. The administration did send out a notification that there had been one Covid case from a teacher in another class. I appreciated their transparency
  • Review from the 2020 Summer Camp Survey

    Age of child: 7 and 4 Comment: We have always loved Beansprouts - both our 7yo and 4yo get plenty of social interaction, exercise, and downtime. The 7yo particularly loves having access to the gym and game room (foos ball, etc.), and having weekly talent shows. What would you change about the program, if anything, and why? Nothing Anything related to COVID and how the camp handled it you'd like to add? Good adherence to mask wearing indoors for the bigger kids.
  • Review from the 2020 Summer Camp Survey

    Age of child: 3 Comment: We and our 3 year old son loved Beansprouts. The teachers are very warm and accommodating. They have a wonderful outdoor space with sprinklers where the kids seem to have tons of fun plus having indoor creative and play time. My son was always looking forward to camp every morning and was specifically fond of his teachers whom he knew by name early on. The whole process was so organized and well put together even for a pandemic summer. We loved it.
  • 2019 Summer Camp Review

    The camp was fine, but disorganized. It seemed like they had too many kids to be efficient and the counselors seemed disorganized. Every day my daughter came home missing stuff. On the other hand, she had a great time and didn't seem to have any problems separating from me, which is unusual. What would you change? I would have the counselors be a bit more hands on with kids this young.
  • 2019 Summer Camp Review

    We really love this camp for my daughter. She has a great time everyday. It is very much like a preschool environment. She has made lots of friends. They do have more than one room for 3-4yrs old. We tried a couple weeks in the other room because there wasn’t enough space for us and we had a hard time. The teachers really set out the tone of the rooms and the other room just wasn’t a good fit for my daughter. This is not the fault of the camp but I think it is worthwhile knowing that consistency in experiences can vary from room to room. Irrespective of this I would recommend this camp to all my friends! What would you change? I would love if this camp ran a couple weeks longer.
  • 2019 Summer Camp Review

    Age: 6 Review: My daughter had attended other camps and Beansprouts is the first one that consistently she loves! I was not sure what made the trips different from other camps but she seems to have such a wonderful time. I think have a dedicated indoor space with a dedicated play area where she can move freely from indoor to outdoor activities is a rare gem that makes her seem to enjoy herself and her freedom. She seems to LOVE the counselors (and I do too!) and the entire camp seems to recognize each camper's individual preferences and needs. The instructional swim mixed with a good amount of free swim is also making her a stronger swimmer. I am really thrilled that we joined this camp and look forward to next year returning.
  • 2019 Summer Camp Review

    Age: 4 Review: It was fine, exactly what you would expect from daycamp, but really expensive considering how simple it was. Counselors were sweet and it’s nice that they take pictures. What would you change? Cost, add trips or “specials”
  • 2019 Summer Camp Review

    Age: 4.5 Review: Fun! Field trips and ice cream!!! What would you change? Nothing
  • 2019 Summer Camp Review

    Age: 2.5 Review: Loved the camp. The counselor immediately knew Hattie after day 1. Great activities and photos sent after each week. Only negative is you have to pack your own lunch and snack which we don’t have to do with our daycare. What would you change? Provide food.
  • 2019 Summer Camp Review

    Age: 4.5/ 5 Review: Love everyday! Always busy, always fun What would you change? Nothing, we have attended school at Montessouri, Treehouse, pre-k, and beansprouts and beansprouts drummer camp is staying on #1 as daughter quotes
  • camps for rising Kindergarteners?

    Checkout the Beansprouts Summer Camp for a low-key camp in Park Slope that does very little (if any) bus trips with the little ones. They have a wonderful outdoor garden/play area, fun counselors and the kids run in the sprinklers, do art and play outside. I know the older kids go swimming a few days a week, but I can't recall what age they begin the swim program.
  • Review from the 2018/2019 PSP Daycare, Preschool, PreK, Kindergarten Survey

    My daughter attended their summer program in 2018. She came home every day singing new songs, telling us about all her new friends and teachers, demonstrating yoga and dance moves she learned, and seemed genuinely happy to be there. About the facility: Has outdoor space What would you change? Their outdoor space is a little small, but works perfectly for the size of their younger classes.
  • 2018 Summer Camp Reviews

    My son loved the mix of adventures and explorations embedded in the safety of a regular, predictable routine. I think the coordinators at Beansprouts have a really good feel for creating opportunities for kids to see and do new things without taking them too far out of their comfort zone: each day of the week the kids know what kinds of things will take place (eg, Wednesday is field trip day, Thursday is swimming lessons days) but the exact nature of the activity varies within those parameters. And each week there is a new “theme” that shapes the activities, which helped my son to be excited about dynamic aspects of the program, including things that would normally make him anxious, like the slight rotations in venue, classmates and staff that are a natural part of most day camps. The quality of the activities and staff were excellent from my observation. Again, Beansprouts really knows how to strike a balance — there were enough educational activities to keep my son engaged but the mission of the program was still primarily play-based so it felt like camp and not just a continuation of school. The only thing I didn’t like about camp is that food wasn’t provided so I was constantly on my toes trying to provide the right lunches to match the schedule — for example, on certain days lunch had to be cold and fully disposable, while other days it cold requiring heating and return of reusable containers. I’m addition to staying on top of what gear my son needed each day (swimming clothes? Water shoes? Sneakers? Costume?) this felt like just one too many things to put upon a busy mom like me. For the cost of camp I really feel that meals and snacks should be included but I’d gladly pay more if they were.
  • 2018 Summer Camp Reviews

    My kids loved the activities and the fact that they found a few kids from school doing the same camp.
  • 2018 Summer Camp Reviews

    Fabulous! The teachers were attentive, and did quite a bit in three hours in the morning (took them outside to play with water/sprinklers which my daughter loved).
  • 2018 Summer Camp Reviews

    Our 3.5 years old twin girls had a great time at camp and they thrived in their fun and nourishing environment. We enrolled them for the full summer for three full week days. They always were so happy and energized each day I picked them up. I like that they had a good routine: free indoors play, outside water play, snack, more play outside, lunch, nap, play and home. The teachers and assistants were always very loving and caring. I also liked that there were planned unique activities each day to add diversity. And I really liked the weekly picture updates. I highly recommend this camp because my children were happy and well cared for.
  • 2018 Summer Camp Reviews

    Loves the activities and outdoor time would like more updates on children’s daily activities
  • Review from the 2017 PSP Summer Camp Survey

    Loved the counselors, playing soccer, field trips If you could change anything, what would it be? Was pretty great Age of child: 6 Based on a Summer 2017 experience
  • Review from the 2017 PSP Summer Camp Survey

    Very well organized, which makes it easy for the parents. Fun, age-appropriate programs. Absolutely wonderful counselors/teachers, and I really appreciate that Beansprouts has noticeably more men as counselors than other camps. Age of child: 4 and 6 Based on a Summer 2017 experience
  • Review from the 2017 PSP Summer Camp Survey

    Similar to day care during the year. Good teachers/counselors. Nice variety of activities. Always felt that he was safe and happy. Age of child: Almost 3 Based on a Summer 2017 experience
  • Review from the 2017 PSP Summer Camp Survey

    Our daughter loved camp and couldn't wait to go every day. We liked that she quickly made friends, did a wide variety of art projects, and played outside every day (weather permitting). It's great that they let you book by-week instead of all summer. Coming from a different school during the school year, the level of personal interaction between the staff and parents felt a little lacking (especially considering Beansprouts sterling reputation in the neighborhood), but perhaps this was just a function of the transient camp season. Age of child: 3 (almost 4) Based on a Summer 2017 experience
  • Review from the 2017 PSP Summer Camp Survey

    My son was very happy at this camp for incoming kindergartners. I really liked the mix of activities for the kids - swim lessons one day, soccer another, a field trip once a week. It seemed fun and age appropriate. They kept the kids active and when their was indoor time it was a good mix of arts/crafts/ science stuff. The counselors were all quite nice. My major complaint about the camp was that the counselors changed a lot week to week, so my son would form a bond with one counselor and then he/she would be gone a week or two later. If you could change anything, what would it be? I wish they would keep the staff consistent, at least for the bulk of the summer. Age of child: 4 Based on a Summer 2017 experience
  • Review from the 2017 PSP Summer Camp Survey

    My child enjoyed camp again this year. This year the experience was made better by more consistency in camp instructors and the administrations efforts to keep kids together from the school year. Their activities were fun and creative, with a different theme each week. There were a few field trips that were also a highlight. The camp instructors were high quality and my child often spoke highly about them. If you could change anything, what would it be? Better communication about (expectable and understandable) changes in camp instructors from one week to the next, so that I didn't learn about it only from my child. More field trips outside of the camp classroom. Age of child: 3.5 Based on a Summer 2017 experience
  • Review from the 2017 PSP Summer Camp Survey

    Our 2yo son attended Beansprouts day camp 2x a week this summer and had a positive experience. His teachers were wonderful and his days were filled with many fun activities including lots of exercise, arts and crafts, music and water play. He looked forward to going and we were happy that he would come home excited to tell us about his day. We liked that the teachers created a Shutterfly shared album for us parents and shared photos of all of the kids having fun each week. They also emailed us a summary of activities with pictures attached every week of camp (we were also provided with a calendar at the beginning of the summer with topics and activities, etc). We would definitely consider sending him to Beansprouts again next summer. Age of child: 2 Based on a Summer 2017 experience
  • Review from the 2017 PSP Summer Camp Survey

    We loved this camp - they kept the children engaged and active with a different set of activities each day. The teachers are lovely and the class was staffed with plenty of them - ratio of teacher to kids was very high. Age of child: 3.5 Based on a Summer 2017 experience
  • Review from the 2017 PSP Summer Camp Survey

    My child LOVED the teachers as well as the activities. He really had a great time and I definitely saw him grow as a result. His language If you could change anything, what would it be? Not really a big deal and I'm sure would be logistically quite difficult, but would love to get more updates (photo / text) during the day as opposed to the weekly recap. Age of child: 2.5 Based on a Summer 2017 experience
  • Review from the 2017 PSP Summer Camp Survey

    Our daughter (who turned 3 end of July) attended Beansprouts summer camp for the full day on Tuesdays and Thursdays this summer. She was enrolled in their preschool the preceding school year so transition to summer camp was seamless, even though it was a new crop of kids and teachers. Activities included lots of outdoor play, including with sprinklers and water toys, as well as arts & crafts, music, story time, etc. The teachers were fantastic and highly communicative - would send weekly updates via email with pictures and were always available to answer questions or talk through any issues (we tackled potty training this summer and the teachers were so helpful in supporting that process). Age of child: 3 Based on a Summer 2017 experience
  • Review from the 2017 PSP Summer Camp Survey

    Relaxed, fun atmosphere. Older kids have two swimming lessons per week, two trips per week, and soccer on Fridays. This was my child's fourth summer with them and he knew many counselors. He sometimes didn't like the cold pool, but at least one counselor stays out of the pool in case your child needs a break. My child loved the trips and soccer, as well as the talent shows and ice cream every Friday. Age of child: 7 Based on a Summer 2017 experience
  • Summer Camp Survey 2016

    Age of child: 8 Review: Fun, reasonably relaxing and stimulating, without stressing my son What would you change about the program, if anything? Fewer bus trips because my son gets motion sick (only thing, really!)
  • Summer Camp Survey 2016

    Age of child: 6 Review: We loved Beansprouts summer camp, the talent shows on Friday really gave my daughter a lot of joy singing in front of all the kids. Councelors are excellent very in tune to each individual kids needs. Great range of trips and activities! What would you change about the program, if anything? Very expensive and needs to be optional last 2 weeks of summer going up to school
  • Summer Camp Survey 2016

    Age of child: 2.5 years old Review: It was well run, she attended daycare there prior to camp and it was run similarly What would you change about the program, if anything? More outings
  • Summer Camp Survey 2016

    Age of child: 5.5 Review: Another great summer! LOVED IT. Lots of fun trips and lots of outdoor time. Great crafts and, most importantly, amazing staff. What would you change about the program, if anything? Only complaint is the swim instruction isn't great. And the trek to the pool via the subway is tough. Could the camp get Imagine Swim to run the lessons or something?
  • Summer Camp Survey 2016

    Age of child: 5 Review: My daughter went to Beansprouts for Pre-K, so camp was just a logical continuation of the same. They kept her in the same classroom with the same kids from the school year, but had lots more outdoor activities and fun. It was great.
  • Summer Camp Survey 2016

    Age of child: 6 Review: Loves it! They schedule a great variety of trips and activities: cultural and sports outings, just-for-fun outings, and trips to the playground. Every Friday is soccer, ice cream, and a talent show. Towards the end of camp, they hold their Olympics Field Day. Counsellors are wonderful. They provide color-coded t-shirts for the kids so they're easily identifiable.
  • Review from 2015 Summer Camp Survey

    Age of Child: 4 Likes: The field trips - museum, Brooklyn Zoo. He also loved the swimming lessons and has become more comfortable with the water. Also, great early bird drop off times (7:45am) and ability to choose specific weeks. What would you change? Not a thing. Really was an exception experience. Would you send your child(ren) again? Yes Do you recommend? Highly recommend
  • Review from 2015 Summer Camp Survey

    Age of Child: 2 Likes: My son loved pretty much everything about his camp experience. It was his first time being dropped off and he was thrilled to be there - in fact we often had to bribe him to leave! He especially loved the days that the music teacher came and the outdoor activities in the backyard. What would you change? I wish they were a tiny bit more flexible in changing weeks (two weeks notice required to change which weeks your child goes) but I understand the need to be rigid considering how many locations and children are in thier purview. Would you send your child(ren) again? Yes Do you recommend? Highly recommend
  • Review from 2015 Summer Camp Survey

    Age of Child: 4 Likes: My son attends Beansprouts during the school year as well, so he likes seeing school friends and familiar teachers. What would you change? More outside time (they only have yard time for one hour in the morning) and cut nap from the schedule (nobody naps anyway). Would you send your child(ren) again? No Do you recommend? Recommend
  • Review from 2015 Summer Camp Survey

    Age of Child: 5 Likes: Lots of field trips, including a Mets game, the NY Hall of Science, and a tour of the Brooklyn Bridge. Swimming lessons twice a week. Fun craft projects and a talent show every Friday. Loved the counsellors. My child made a lot of friends. What would you change? nothing Would you send your child(ren) again? Yes Do you recommend? Highly recommend
  • Review from 2015 Summer Camp Survey

    Age of Child: 4 Likes: knew a lot of the kids from the neighborhood already, great activities, swimming, soccer, ice cream Fridays What would you change? swimming should be more than once a week--honestly, this was almost a deal breaker Would you send your child(ren) again? Yes Do you recommend? Recommend Do you have any other information to add? MORE SWIMMING! I cannot emphasize this enough. I also know several people who didn't choose Beansprouts because of the limited swim instruction.
  • Review from 2015 Summer Camp Survey

    Age of Child: 3 Likes: Interactive, weekly music and movement classes. Daily art projects. Great teachers. What would you change? Given the nature of the program there were teachers that came/went over the summer given vacation schedules. I don't think it can be helped and i am sure this is standard but it was hard for my son who got attached to someone and then they were gone the next week. Would you send your child(ren) again? Yes Do you recommend? Highly recommend Do you have any other information to add? This was my sons first separation program and they couldn't have been better about helping him adjust. They allowed us to do a site visit ahead of time and the teachers were great with him. On one challenging day they called me on my cell phone to say he was happy and fine after I had left him in tears. I felt like they really went above and beyond.
  • Review from 2015 Summer Camp Survey

    Age of Child: 2 Likes: I loved the "teachers" my son had. They really helpd him work on some of his todller growing pains (hitting and sharing mostly). they were kind and always gave me a great rundown of what he did that day and how well he interacted with the other kids. My son loved the activities and is always begging to go back to camp. There are tons of toys and they do creative, fun art projects. The backyard has sprinklers and a water table. Lots of ride on toys and agarden that the kids water with little spray bottles. I was really impressed with how much my son enjoyed the experience, how warm and responsive the teachers where, and how incredibly organized everything was. What would you change? The administration of the camp is a bit strict. I had to argue with the person overseeing the program about what kind of bedding we could bring (I shouldnt have bothered the teachers on site where perfectly flexible and accomodating). And the changing weeks policy is a bit inflexible as well. You have to give two weeks notice if you plan on changing weeks - so when my son got sick on Monday of week 4 and I wanted to see if I could cancel our camp that week and move it to week 8 (which we hadnt previously signed up for and had space), I was told no because I didnt give two weeks notice. So although they advertise you can change weeks as you go thats a large caveat. However, in their defense I understand that they are managing many kids and at many locations and it must be logistically challenging to be flexible. Would you send your child(ren) again? Yes Do you recommend? Recommend
  • Review from 2015 Summer Camp Survey

    Age of Child: 5 Likes: Familiarity--he attended Beansprouts after school last year, so camp was a familiar location, with many of the same kids and instructors. What would you change? Extend to the end of the summer! Camp ends almost three weeks before school starts. Would you send your child(ren) again? Yes Do you recommend? Recommend Do you have any other information to add? Fun and reliable!
  • Review from 2015 Summer Camp Survey

    Age of Child: 4 Likes: Familiar building, lots of imaginative playtime. What would you change? Less rotating teacher/counselors, more outdoor time and outdoor activity, better communication with families, more "camp" rather than "daycare" feel--program felt like lower key version of her school year with teachers/kids changing every couple days and no new stuff that made it "camp" -- same one hour outdoors etc. Also I was less impressed with teacher we had who was curt in our interactions. Would you send your child(ren) again? No Do you recommend? Do NOT recommend Do you have any other information to add? I like this school but didn't feel their camp option was worth the costs--even more expensive than the already costly school program, without much that made it feel special in summer. I believe the five day program does adventures but the 2/3 day programs seem like "just childcare"
  • 2014 Daycare/Preschool PSP review

    Child's Age: 1-2 years2-3 years3-4 years Review: I am providing feedback on the Beansprouts admissions process, not the classroom environment. My daughter does not attend Beansprouts. And, no, this is not an angry reaction to getting "rejected" from Beansprouts. Here's our experience: 1) Completed the application by the deadline 2) Paid $85 application fee (steep) 3) Attended observation playdate for 30 minutes (I don't know what they were looking for or who was qualified to make the judgment; and it takes about 25 for many toddlers to warm up and play). At the playdate the admissions officer said, "While this is not really like a college admissions, we do want people who really want to be here. So if you want to be here, feel free to call me as much as you want. I take note of each time you call or email me." 4) submitted a picture of our daughter (for what? what info do they get from this?) 5) We received a letter of rejection but were invited to go on the wait list. 6) Meanwhile, 2 friends applied after the deadline and were placed on the wait list without paying the application fee or going to the playdate. They then received an email telling them there were spaces available and that if they wanted to attend, they simply had to pay the application fee and tuition. (easy peasy! I wish I knew about this loophole so I could have bypassed the rest of the circus!) 7) With the exception of 1 family, several friends and neighbors all said they called incessantly and their kids got in. They all rolled their eyes as they recanted about that process but said they are happy they did because their kids love their teachers at Beansprouts. I hear only wonderful things about the teachers and the classroom experience at Beansprouts. The admissions process is not on par in my opinion. I call on Beansprouts, this beloved preschool that began as a Co-op, to have a fair, transparent, and rolling admissions process for the community that has supported it for over 30 years. You can do better. Recommend (Hi/Rec/DoNot) Do NOT recommend Would you send your child again? Absolutely not
  • 2014 Daycare/Preschool PSP review

    Program: MWF Length of Time: Full time 3s and 4s Child's Age: 3-4 years Review: I wonder if Beansprouts needs another shout out, but we have been truly impressed with the professionalism, knowledge, patience and warmth of the teachers in this school. Recommend (Hi/Rec/DoNot) Highly recommend Would you send your child again? Absolutely
  • 2014 Daycare/Preschool PSP review

    Program: 2s Length of Time: 1/2 day MWF Child's Age: 2-3 years Review: Teachers/aides have been wonderful The class did a great job transitioning kids to being at school Weekly emails from the teachers Photos posted to shutterfly to see kids activities As opposed to smaller/newer programs, this program has no kinks that need to be worked out. Recommend (Hi/Rec/DoNot) Highly recommend Would you send your child again? Absolutely
  • 2014 Daycare/Preschool PSP review

    Program: 3's Length of Time: full day program, 5 days/week Child's Age: 2-3 years Review: The teachers are good and skilled. We had the bad luck to have a new teacher this year, and our child was a little rough on her. But they were very patient, consistent with our child and it's much better. The teacher has been very adaptable to the classroom, changing up the curriculum to reflect what's going on in the children's lives in a positive way (new siblings, etc) Philosopy is play-based. Gentle approach. Programs are preschool, half and full days, 3 or 5 days per week. School deals with difficult situations by involving parents, by time-out discipline as a last resort, by lots of talking/use your words/etc. Feedback was formal in the parent/teacher conference and used a clear "readiness checklist." Lots of informal discussion of child, teachers very accessible. Recommend (Hi/Rec/DoNot) Highly recommend Would you send your child again? Absolutely
  • 2014 Daycare/Preschool PSP review

    Program: Threes Length of Time: MWF full days Child's Age: 3-4 years Review: Three amazing, energetic teachers for a class of 17 kids. The head teacher has been at the school for more than a decade so she has tons of experience and is known for being particularly good with high energy boys. Play-based curriculum. Teachers very accessible (available for quick conversations at pick up/drop off, emails, and there are one-on-one conferences are held 2x/year). Recommend (Hi/Rec/DoNot) Highly recommend Would you send your child again? Absolutely
  • 2014 Daycare/Preschool PSP review

    Length of Time: 5 days a week Child's Age: 3-4 years Review: My oldest child spent three years at Beansprouts and had fantastic teachers each year. My youngest child is midway through second year at Beansprouts and has a fabulous teacher. All four of these teachers have tremendous skill and wonderfully positive energy. My youngest child's teacher last year wasn't quite as energetic. But overall, we are very very happy with Beansprouts. Recommend (Hi/Rec/DoNot) Highly recommend Would you send your child again? Maybe
  • 2014 Daycare/Preschool PSP review

    Program: 3s program Length of Time: MWF half days Child's Age: 3-4 years Review: We have been very happy with Beansprouts. This started with the very postive application process and has continued on to the classroom. Our daughters teachers have created a warm and safe environment for Her to learn in. she is coming home everyday with new songs and words and expressions and has shown a lot of growth. one of the things we love about Beansprouts is that there is outside playtime every day. We had thought the benefit here was the fresh air but we are seeing that she is getting so much out of the process of getting herself dressed to go outside and lining up and following instructions its an added bonus to the philosophy. Her teachers are warm and caring and genuinely interested in her well being. They have been helpful in her transition as a big sister making her feel special. They are easily accessible via email and I feel very connected to everything going on in the classroom. Recommend (Hi/Rec/DoNot) Highly recommend Would you send your child again? Absolutely
  • 2014 Daycare/Preschool PSP review

    Program: 4's Length of Time: 2 days/week Child's Age: 3-4 years Review: Beansprouts is a wonderful school - both my kids went there and had an enriching, well-rounded experience there. Classes usually have one main teacher and two assistant teachers; the teacher/student ratio is generally pretty good. We've found the teachers to be warm, nurturing, and open to feedback. Recommend (Hi/Rec/DoNot) Highly recommend Would you send your child again? Absolutely
  • 2014 Daycare/Preschool PSP review

    Program: 4s Length of Time: Full 5 days per week Child's Age: 3-4 years Review: Amazing teachers. Philosophy is meant to develop strong self-reliance in my daughter. Outside/fresh air time daily is emphasized. Programming is varied and interesting. Facility feels crowded sometimes, but that's just a product of the urban environment. I wish feedback was a little more systemized. We know from a calendar what the daily activities are, but most feedback is verbal at the beginning or end of the day. Recommend (Hi/Rec/DoNot) Highly recommend Would you send your child again? Absolutely
  • 2014 Daycare/Preschool PSP review

    Program: Pre-K Length of Time: 3 days a week Child's Age: 4-5 years Review: We loved our experience with Beansprouts! Our daughter attended the school for 2 years and every teacher we had we all loved. It was our first school experience and the transition went seamlessly. The teachers were great at keeping us updated on progress at school. Recommend (Hi/Rec/DoNot) Highly recommend Would you send your child again? Absolutely
  • 2014 Summer Camp Review

    Program: Age of Child: 6 Likes: Swimming 2x/week at the St Francis College pool in Brooklyn Heights Field trips - they've been very well chosen (science centers, theater, movies, Mets and Liberty games, Chelsea Piers water park, rollerskating, etc.) Foosball and other games! Familiar place and people (my son also attends afterschool there What would you change? Smaller or earlier afternoon snacks (they sometimes get them at 5 and some are large, which ruins the child's appetite for healthier food at dinner) Would you send your child(ren) again? Yes Do you recommend? Highly recommend Do you have any other information to add?
  • 2014 Summer Camp Review

    Program: Age of Child: 2 Likes: Prepared him for starting preschool with Beansprouts. Introduced him to the teacher he'll be with in the Fall. Introduced him to other kids that will be in his class. Got him ready for the separation. Also they post pictures online so you can see your child engaged in the activities. Nice facility, though small. Access to outside playground. What would you change? Not sure as I have nothing to compare it to yet. This was our first camp experience. Would you send your child(ren) again? Do you recommend? Recommend with reservations Do you have any other information to add?
  • 2014 Summer Camp Review

    Program: Age of Child: 6 Likes: Each week they went on at least two field trips. They also went swimming twice a week. What would you change? I wouldn't change much or anything at all. My daughter enjoyed the activities and the staff seemed really great. Would you send your child(ren) again? Yes Do you recommend? Highly recommend Do you have any other information to add? It's a little bit expensive. However, for all of the activities they do, it seems worth it.
  • 2014 Summer Camp Review

    Program: Preschool camp (3s) Age of Child: 3 Likes: Lots of activities both inside and outside - messy art, water tables, music, Spanish, etc - and he was with several of his classmates from the past school year. My son's favorite was probably when the ice cream truck stopped by for Ice Cream Friday. What would you change? Nothing Would you send your child(ren) again? Yes Do you recommend? Highly recommend Do you have any other information to add?
  • (no subject)

    3 year olds Location - Park Slope--7th Street How old is your child? (or the age when he/she attended camp) Age: - 3 What did you/your child like about the summer camp? I liked the patience and caring the staff exhibited. My son LOVED the sprinkler set up in the backyard. What would you change about the program? My son was in the half-day program and it always seemed like he was leaving in the middle of an activity, so perhaps the scheduling of activities could be better arranged to accommodate mid-day exits without the sense of missing out. Will you send your child back to this summer camp program next year? (Or would you if you could?) Yes Would you recommend this program to other parents for their child in the future? Highly recommend If there is any other information you want to provide, let us know here: They do make some accommodations for special needs kids.
  • (no subject)

    Jr. Sprouts Location - 8th Ave and 8th Street How old is your child? (or the age when he/she attended camp) Age: - 5 What did you/your child like about the summer camp? He likes the swimming and wished there was more of it. He liked that "all we do is play. We do not learn anything." Ha. What would you change about the program? I think some of the teachers or counselors need to be a little more experienced with the age group and with making it fun and exciting rather than just babysitting. There were a couple excellent teachers, but the rest just seemed to be day care assistants. Swimming twice a week rather than once would be great. Will you send your child back to this summer camp program next year? (Or would you if you could?) No Would you recommend this program to other parents for their child in the future? Recommend
  • (no subject)

    How old is your child? (or the age when he/she attended camp) Age: - 5 What did you/your child like about the summer camp? Loved that it's based in an A/C room with plenty of sprinkler time, weekly swimming, field trips, and Ice Fridays. TO much fun! What would you change about the program? Have to register for aftercare (all or nothing) in advance - would prefer day by day option. Will you send your child back to this summer camp program next year? (Or would you if you could?) Yes Would you recommend this program to other parents for their child in the future? Highly recommend
  • (no subject)

    How old is your child? (or the age when he/she attended camp) Age: - 5 What did you/your child like about the summer camp? I sent two kids, 8 and 5 (q. 4 only lets me answer for one child so I picked the younger one). The adults working with the kids are trained child development professionals, as opposed to camp counselors. While the kids definitely didn't go to "school," there was more structure and attention than in a typical day camp program. I have sent my older child to day camp in the past, and will do so again, but definitely appreciated the care, enthusiasm, and knowledge that was brought to both groups my kids were a part of. I was particularly impressed with the older kids group (8 years old/rising 3rd graders). Alex and Eileen are great! (I'm sure the others are too; I just haven't met them at drop-off in the mornings). . What would you change about the program? So the tradeoff, I found, is that the communication from the administrative office wasn't great. I emailed and asked for confirmation of receipt of my checks, for example, and never received it. The first day, we were sent to the wrong place for my younger child, and it took a while to figure out where she was supposed to go. Once she settled in it didn't matter because the "in-class" experience has been so positive, but it didn't fill me (or her) with confidence leaving her on her first day (we don't send our kids to Bean Sprouts during the school year). Will you send your child back to this summer camp program next year? (Or would you if you could?) Yes Would you recommend this program to other parents for their child in the future? Highly recommend If there is any other information you want to provide, let us know here: Also, they were very willing to be flexible with after-care. I had a bit of a sitter crisis in the middle of the summer and thought I'd need after-care as back up, and they were very generous in accommodating me. It turned out I didn't need it, but I really appreciated the flexibility.
  • Review from Summer Camp Survey, 2010

    Program: 3's Age of Child: 3 Likes: My daughter really enjoyed the Beansprouts Summer Camp Program. She attended the 2's program during the school year and the summer program was a great extension of the school program. She did art projects, had movement and music classes, story time, but also a lot or new outdoor activities like sprinkler time and outdoor playtime. The program was pretty similar to the school year program, just without as much "structure and teaching". Would you send your child(ren) again? Yes Do you recommend? Highly recommend
  • Review from Summer Camp Survey, 2010

    Program: preK Age of Child: 4 Likes: Sprinklers, Swimming, Field trips, a/c in the classrooms! What would you change? Nothing - we loved the care and attention. Would you send your child(ren) again? Yes Do you recommend? Highly recommend
  • Review from Summer Camp Survey, 2010

    Age of Child: 3 Likes: He liked playing in the "big yard." What would you change? I would have more trips and outside activities--more structured outside plans! At least to Prospect Park! Would you send your child(ren) again? Yes Do you recommend? Recommend with reservations Do you have any other information to add? The teachers were generally very nice, and our child enjoyed his days for the most part, but it was very expensive for a program that was barely different from his family daycare (except that it did not serve lunch). We will probably send him back in hopes that the 4 year-olds have more outside activities.
  • Review from Summer Camp Survey, 2010

    Age of Child: 4 Likes: Every week they went swimming, went on a field trip, had music class, and took a trip to Prospect Park. Plus each week had a theme, like Vacations or Fairy Tales, that their in-class activities focused on. It seemed like my daughter was really getting a full days activities and wasn't just running around wild on a playground. What would you change? It's pricey! You get quite a bit for your money, but it's a lot of money. Would you send your child(ren) again? Yes Do you recommend? Recommend
  • Review from Summer Camp Survey, 2010

    Age of Child: 5 Likes: Variety of activities, lots of time outdoors, teachers really nice What would you change? More field trips Would you send your child(ren) again? Yes Do you recommend? Recommend Do you have any other information to add?
  • Review from Summer Camp Survey, 2010

    Age of Child: 5 Likes: - Sprinklers in the Big Yard - Weekly field trips - Lots of time for free play - The teachers - Being with friends from the school year - Trips to Prospect Park - I like that I know he is safe there and well cared for and that there are a variety of activities. What would you change? More swimming - they only go 1x/week and often there were issues w/ Camp Olympia and swimming would be cancelled all together. I would have liked for him to have learned how to swim without his floatey, but I don't think he had enough pool time to feel confident. Would you send your child(ren) again? No Do you recommend? Highly recommend
  • Review from Summer Camp Survey, 2010

    Age of Child: 3 Likes: He already attended Beansprouts Pre-K What would you change? I don't like Ice cream Fridays Would you send your child(ren) again? Yes Do you recommend? Highly recommend Do you have any other information to add? My son was extremely happy and they did a lot of activities with the kids. It was great.
  • Review from Summer Camp Survey, 2010

    Program: Age of Child: 4 Likes: Continuity with the teachers she had during the year. Very loving teachers. What would you change? Would you send your child(ren) again? Yes Do you recommend? Highly recommend
  • Review from Summer Camp Survey, 2010

    Age of Child: 5 Likes: fun loving atmosphere, a lot of attention from the teachers, swimming classes and singalongs What would you change? Would you send your child(ren) again? Yes Do you recommend? Highly recommend Do you have any other information to add? Unfortunately Bean Sprouts only has programs for pre-K and below (up to 5 yrs old), we'll have to look into something else next year.

