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Reviews (4)

  • Camp recos for girl interested in the environment as well as crafting and building

    BEAM Camp is wonderful
  • Summer Camp Survey 2016

    BEAM Camp Age of child: 12 Review: Beam Camp is a co-ed sleep-away camp for pre-teens and teens interested in creating. The kids work on individual and group projects of all kinds. My son learned to knit, use power tools, and make perfectly - pitched wind pipes and really enjoyed it! Beam gives the kids a lot of autonomy, while simultaneously encouraging collaboration. What would you change about the program, if anything? It is pricey! I completely understand why, and I feel that we got our money's worth and more, but it was a stretch for us financially.
  • Summer camp middle school [PSP Tweens Group]

    I'm a little late to this but my three kids (one boy, two girls) all loved Beam Camp. Art/construction/maker camp with regular outdoor stuff like swimming and some sport-like activities. Skills are really geared to middle and high school age though, so a good place to start if your kids are interested in that kind of stuff but have never done sleep away. Relatively small with a very welcoming vibe. I'm definitely a veteran of 10+ summers!
  • (no subject)

    Camp Beam Camp Strafford, NH Day Care or Sleep Away-- Sleep Away Program: Age of Child: 13 Likes: The cornerstone of Beam camp is that they do a big project over 3 weeks that campers and resident artists work on together. The projects are ambitious and the results are pretty stunning. My daughter loves this camp because it involves building and creativity and she gets to be both an independent thinker and a member of a team working on something big and important. They also have traditional camp stuff, hiking, swims, sports, camp-outs, but often with creative twist. It is relatively small, so the camp feels like a family to her and is very welcoming to everyone. What would you change? Nothing. Beam Camp is like a second home to my daughter, as it was also to my son who spent seven summers there, but recently "aged-out". Would you send your child(ren) again? Yes Do you recommend? Highly recommend Do you have any other information to add? You can check out videos of the projects on the Beam camp website ( and they recently started afterschool programs in Brooklyn. Review from 2012 Summer Camp Experience

