Bassett Caterers
- Sheepshead Bay
1404 Avenue X, Brooklyn 11235, NY
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Reviews (4)
Bar/ Bat mitzvah planning - HELP!
For food we used Bassett Caterers Frank was very helpful. They were affordable, reliable, and the food was great. The one thing was that we ended up with SO much extra food. I think their estimate of what "per person" meant was much higher than the reality. (September 2019)Caterer/Restaurant for Baby Shower + Desserts?
So as far as catering, use Bassett’s!Seeking Recommendation for first birthday catering
Not sure which neighborhood you live in, but I ordered from Bassett’s Catering for my 1 year old’s birthday that had about 25 people. We got a 4’ italian hero that came with 4 salads and we had TONS leftover (I was eating sandwiches for every meal the following 3 days and still had to throw some out).seeking recs for birthday party space for adults
Here are the recs I got: Bassett Caterers in Sheepshead Bay (excellent service and prices for standard crowd-pleasing “comfort food”