
Aynsley Kirshenbaum Fitness Nutrition Wellness
Aynsley Kirshenbaum Fitness Nutrition Wellness



I offer a holistic approach to wellness, focusing on lifestyle changes to achieve optimal health. Keeping in mind that each person has different goals, I listen to the needs of every individual and work to foster a relationship of healing, trust and support. As you grow and learn, I will continue to address your evolving needs. My services include nutritional counseling, personal training, stress management, goal setting and coaching.

I especially love working with new mothers, from helping achieve optimal health prior to getting pregnant through pregnancy with supported fitness and nutrition to post partum, with a healthy breastfeeding diet and, of course, ultimately feeling back at home in your body.

Reviews (14)

  • Any Recommendations? Postpartum Nutritionist - specializes in gestational diabetes after care

    I've worked as a doula and a lot of birth workers work with/recommend Aynsley (I had a few sessions with her a few years ago for PCOS and liked her and found her super knowledgeable)
  • Outdoor exercise classes?

    This isn't IN Prospect Park, but if you're closer to the Windsor Terrace side (or anyone else reading this who lives in South Windsor Terrace or Kensington), I highly recommend my group that meets Monday mornings at 8:45 with Aynsley Kirshenbaum. We meet outside Greenwood Playground at East 5th and Greenwood Ave (about 10 min from the park). Combo of strength training, core and cardio and the workouts can be tailored to your level! The group also meets on zoom Thursday mornings at 9am. It's a great, supportive group of ladies!
  • Personal Trainer

    I am very focused on maintaining my fitness, and also eating healthily. I have used Aynsley Kirshenbaum for several years (up until Covid, when I reluctantly started working out on my own) and Aynsley was knowledgeable and supportive on both fronts. I believe she is certified both as a trainer and a nutritionist. I definitely recommend her.
  • ISO Personal Trainer

    I recommend Aynsley Kirshenbaum: I’ve used Aynsley for around 5 years and she is reliable, skilled and very supportive. She is also a nutritionist. She is able to do training in the park and, until March, was coming up my apartment.
  • Social Distance Personal Trainer

    I’ve used Aynsley for around 5 years and she is reliable, skilled and very supportive. She is also a nutritionist. She is able to do training in the park and, until March, was coming up my apartment.
  • ISO - Personal trainer with postpartum experience

    I have been working with Aynsley Kirshenbaum and she does exactly what you are looking for. She's knowledgeable, kind, flexible, and nice to your kids if you have to have sessions at home :) More info can be found here:
  • ISO: personal trainer who makes house calls

    I’d like to recommend Aynsley Kirshenbaum. She’s been my trainer for around 4 years and she has had to deal with working around my stream of injuries. She comes to my apartment, office or the park depending on my needs. I can’t recommend her highly enough.
  • Re: [ANONYMOUS] Physical trainer or yoga teacher with knowledge re. perimenopause and aging

    I have been using Aynsley Kirshenbaum for several years for personal training. I think she is very sensitive to age issue and injury- prone age related issues and she is also a nutritionist so can advise on diet. She is extremely reliable and is a mom of two.
  • Personal Trainer Recommendations for someone with history of back pain

    I highly recommend Aynsley Kirshenbaum. In addition to being an all around fantastic person (kind, helpful, smart, you name it!) she's the best fitness and nutrition expert I've worked with. She's a local mom and I love how she applies her life experiences with fitness and nutrition into her practices, along of course with her in-depth knowledge and education on the topics. She's super flexible with where the sessions take place as well - which is so helpful. For example, I saw her for some sessions this fall before it became too cold, and we met in the park and did everything outdoors! Best of luck!
  • [PSPBeingFit] Pregnant seeking personal trainer

    I highly recommend Aynsley Kirshenbaum. She has worked with some of my former patients, both pregnant and not pregnant, and they always speak highly of her.
  • Re: [ANONYMOUS] Nutritionist for a couple?

    I don't know if you found someone or not, but I wanted to recommend Aynsley Kirshenbaum - . My husband and I have both been clients of hers for fitness and nutrition and I highly recommend her. She has a really great, realistic approach and makes the fitness/nutrition thing doable. She is lovely and reliable and I think most people would enjoy working with her.
  • Re: Good nutritionist in area?

    I saw Aynsley Kirshenbaum, who is local, and appreciated that she was balanced and whole-food oriented, very supportive, kind -- not crazy expensive
  • Re: ISO Nutritionist for Vegan/Vegetarian

    I highly recommend nutritionist and personal trainer Aynsley Kirshenbaum, MS. She is knowledgeable about healthy diets for adults and children, capable of work according to any dietary restriction, and super supportive. She has provided me with both fitness and nutrition guidance. I can't recommend her highly enough.
  • Back RE: ISO help with significant weight loss

    I highly recommend Aynsley Kirshenbaum ( I do in-home personal training with her and she is great. She really meets people where they are at. I have known her for over a year and she is very smart about health, fitness and nutrition. And while she can make you sore for days, if that's your thing, I think she would be great at encouraging your friend to make the types of incremental changes that lead to lasting behavioral shifts.

