
Amy Baumgarten - HomeBody
Amy Baumgarten - HomeBody


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Reviews (2)

  • Amy Baumgarten - HomeBody

    I have known Amy for many years. I trust her deep knowledge and her sensitive instruction. Her prenatal Pilates class made me work in a way that was challenging to my athleticism while still appropriate to being 37 weeks pregnant. She focused on building strength and coordination for both labor and the postpartum period. I highly recommend Amy's instruction to anyone looking to develop their understanding of their own body, no matter where you are in pregnancy or after.
  • Amy Baumgarten - HomeBody

    Amy and I have been in the same friend circle for years, but I didn't realize she was such a skilled practitioner until I started sessions with her a few months ago. If you're looking to build strength, stamina, & resilience during your pregnancy or postpartum time, I would 1000 percent recommend her! I've been doing 1:1 therapeutic movement coaching that specializes in the perinatal period. I'm 28 weeks into my second pregnancy and have been feeling fairly disconnected from my body and the pregnancy itself. Working with Amy put me in touch with my body again and guided me through gentle strength building. I was most impressed with her knowledge and how she's brought all of her years of studying different methods into her own form. I really hope that other people get to experience this with her, pregnant or not.

