
Alexis Papageorge, MD - Slope Pediatrics
Alexis Papageorge, MD - Slope Pediatrics


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Reviews (5)

  • Pediatrician recommendation

    We go to Dr. Glaser at Slope Pediatrics at 8th Ave and Berkeley Place (right off Grand Army Plaza). She is very knowledgeable, direct, and has a nice sense of humor. She is also a certified lactation consultant, which was very convenient. We also saw Dr. Papageorge there once, and she was also great.
  • Slope Peds or Pediatric Associates?

    I followed my pediatrician from her prior practice to Slope Pediatrics, Dr. Papageorge, as she is the best! We've also gotten to know Dr. Frank who is also a gem. The office staff has been great and I can honestly say I've never had a bad experience and have always received timely responses. Full disclosure, I am a primary care physician so bedside manner is something I am sensitive to so for this reason I didn't care for Dr. Glaser. But the practice overall is fantastic.
  • Doctor Recommendations

    I really love Dr. Papageorge at NYU slope pediatrics. My son is 1.5 years and he usually likes being around her unless he’s getting a shot…..
  • Doctor Recommendations

    I too like Dr Papageorge at Slope Pediatrics. Also Dr Frank!
  • Pediatricians in the neighborhood

    I have an 8 month old and I absolutely love NYU slope pediatrics. We usually see Dr. papageorge.

