



Reviews (10)

  • Therapist to help resolve number of children debate?

    My husband and I went to Ackerman Institute for the Family when we were discussing whether to have a kid and experiencing some disagreements. We had to go on a waiting list for a little while but they took our insurance and the ten-week program was perfect for sorting out a single issue like ours. It was a little intense at first because they will have trainees observing the sessions, but their cameras were off and we quickly got used to them. I recommend this place—hope this helps and good luck!--
  • Therapist for non-binary child

    I HIGHLY recommend Ady Ben-Israel whom my trans child has been seeing for the past six months. They have an office in downtown Brooklyn. We also attend the Ackerman Institute's Gender and Family Project's monthly support meetings. I would recommend that you go into this with an open mind (gender is complex and fluid for many), knowing that you might not immediately arrive at a pat answer. Follow your kid's lead!
  • Therapist for non-binary child

    You might want to check out the offerings at The Ackerman Institute, specifically the Gender & Family Project: I hope this helps!
  • Therapist for non-binary child

    I have not dealt with this personally but heard the director of the Gender and Family Project at the Ackerman Institute give a talk. Their program looks like an amazing resource.
  • [ANONYMOUS] Marriage counseling for new parents

    I highly suggest the Ackerman Institute. My wife and I had great success with our therapy there, and I know of other couples who’d say the same. (They’re a training entity, but these are folks who’re already therapists and looking for the prestigious certification.) The Institute is based in the Flatiron, and it’s worth the schlepp, but with a new baby that might be hard. If you need something close by, they can recommend an Ackerman-trained provider.
  • Adult Health, Mental Health & Healing Reviews Adult Health, Mental Health & Healing Reviews from 2018

    My wife and I were in need of couples counseling to improve our communications skills. Our therapist was a practicing therapist, in training for more advanced methods (as all Ackerman therapists are). It’s a bit of a luck of the draw, but we had a wonderful therapist for a year that helped build our skills. And it was reassuring that she was backed by her team of trainees and manager, who often brought up things she had not herself thought of. It was a little awkward to be observed on occasion during our sessions through a one-way mirror, but the immediate team feedback really was helpful. I’m pretty sure sessions were $50. When you need a therapist is usually the moment you least want to find one. It takes time to find a good fit. Try to allot time, perhaps on a lunch break at work, to do the research. Find a new therapist if it’s not a match; don’t be afraid to break up with them!
  • Marriage trouble, couples therapist

    I'm so sorry to hear about what you're both going through. My wife and I found Ackerman Institute to be truly extraordinary and I have friends who are currently there and finding great success.
  • Re: [ANONYMOUS] Child therapist for gender identity issues?

    The Ackerman Institute in the city has a center for gender and the family- great source for referrals and overall info.
  • Re: [ANONYMOUS] Couples counselor who accepts 1199 or GHI

    Note: in Aug. they will be relocating to the Flatiron district. Great training institute for couples counseling. All trainees are licensed psychotherapists getting an intensive training in couples therapy. They accepted our GHI, DOE policy for psychotherapy. Getting good results with marriage problems. Also, they have referrals to their alumni therapist & you can inquire about your insurance plan.
  • (no subject)

    I'm sorry to hear about the difficulties your family is experiencing. The Ackerman Family Institute is a good resource for family therapy. Best of luck. September 2012

