
826NYC / Superhero Supply Co.
826NYC / Superhero Supply Co.


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Reviews (4)

  • Belated Thank You for MTG party space ideas

    We rented the back room at the Super Hero Supply Store on 5th Ave for our son’s birthday over the summer and it was absolutely perfect. The boys played Magic the Gathering, Beyblades, etc. We brought in pizza, drinks and cake.
  • Belated Thank You for MTG party space ideas

    We did this recently at the back space of the superhero supply store on 5th ave. 2 long tables and lots of space, its a nice room.
  • Belated Thank You for MTG party space ideas

    Our absolute favorite place for kids' birthdays is Superhero Supply Company on 5th Avenue between 5th and 6th. They rent out their Secret Lair for parties on the weekends. It would be tons of room for a party of 10 but so completely perfect and quiet. We love working with them! Please tell them we sent you:
  • Afterschool writing for 5th graders?

    826NYC is in the neighborhood and a great resource!

