Do you have Work/Life Balance? If you don't, then check out this section and help keep the mayhem at bay.

We also have a great set of Work/Life Balance Tips that were posted to our Career Networking group.


If you haven't already, join PSP Career Networking to be part of an ongoing dialogue that covers each of these issues, and also check out these pages:

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The PSP Accountability Buddy Guide

The complete PSP Guide to Accountability Buddies!


Back-to-Work Anxiety

A mom faces a return to work with deeply mixed feelings.  Some advice on how to navigate this transition.

Don't Do the Dishes: Single Parents

A Park Slope parents asks, any suggestions for helping to organize life - from finances, home, work paperwork,  playdates... and especially time for myself ?


Parental Burnout

A Park Slope Parent Member summarizes how to avoid "parental burnout." 

Tips for a Successful Writers' Group

 PSP shares advice to make your writing group a success.
 To find out about joining the PSP Writers Circle, go HERE.

What to say to people who ask "can we grab coffee" or "I'd love to pick brain"

What do you say to people who you don't know that want to meet for coffee, pick your brain, talk about the app they are developing, business solution they are offering, and more....

PSP Guide to Organizing a Meet Up

There's been a lot of talk about people wanting to meet up.  The only thing stopping you is an organizer, so how about YOU? Create the meetup you want to attend! Here are a few quick tips to make it happen.

Job Searching While Pregnant

Starting a new job and welcoming a baby are both exciting developments, but if you’re handling both at once, things can get a little complicated. Below, read advice from PSP members on whether to feel guilty about accepting a position while pregnant (the answer is no), when to disclose that you’re expecting, and what to look for during negotiations.

Not yet a member of PSP? Join us today to connect with fellow career-minded parents in our


Setting up an LLC

Thinking of setting up an LLC and what type of package to get? Here are some questions and answers parents have shared on the PSP Career Networking Group.

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How To Request a Work From Home Situation

How to negotiate working remotely rather than commuting 5 days a week. This article contains advice from two threads on the PSP forums, one in 2012 and another in 2017. 

Small Business Resources

Organizations and resources that can help you get on your way to creating a successful small business.

Places to Work, Meet and Rent in the Area

Looking for a quiet coffee bar to work from?  Or maybe a cafe to conduct a business meeting?  Or an event hall for a work party? Or a desk space to rent?  Park Slope Parents recommendations section answers these questions with member suggestions and tips. Here are some quick links to help you find what you are looking for.


PSP Member Discussion: Work life balance and liking what you Do?

The Park Slope Parents’ Law specialty group discussed how to maintain a work life balance in an industry notorious for its long and demanding hours.


Decompressing: How to Unwind After Work

It can be very difficult to switch gears and avoid bringing work anxiety home with you, especially depending on your job and your commute. How do working parents unwind and let go of job-related stress? Here are tips from PSP working parents.


How to Negotiate Work Life Balance When Job Hunting

From setting up creative work schedules like coming in early, working from home, after bedtimes, Moms from the PSP Working Mothers group talk tips about how to find, negotiate and juggle the Work/ Life Balance.

Increasing your Productivity

Want to increase your productivity when you work from home? Here are three helpful tips!

The Debate: Working Long Hours and Parenting

The expectation and normalization of working long hours in the work place and it's impact on parents.


Back To Work With a Baby

Here are some tips, words of wisdom, and general advice from Park Slope parents on how to make the transition back to work with a baby as smooth and as stress free as possible…

W/LB Tip #23: Breathe, and then break for summer...

Summer tips to help you BREATHE--and count your blessings while you do so.

W/LB Tip #22: Priorities, Priorities

Setting Priorities as a way to get more balance in life.

W/LB Tip #21 Just Say No

Life coach Anne Baker helps us set boundaries by saying "NO" to keep us more balanced.

W/LB Tip #19: Desktop Activism

Helping all parents have more work-life balance through easy activism.

W/LB Tip #18: Happy Mother's Week- Cut yourself some slack

Sometimes the best thing to do is just cut yourself some slack.

W/LB Tip #17: De-Cluttering Your Mind

Decluttering your mind is more important than cleaning your desk!

W/LB Tip #15: De-Cluttering Your Office

A calmer workspace creates more productivity.

