Hi everyone. Today, we're hearing more from Anne Baker, career coach and local entrepreneur, whose tips for reducing mental clutter I featured about a month ago. Her post today contains more advice for achieving peace of mind, this time on the topic of something she refers to as "tolerations." Says Anne, "The idea is to stop tolerating or putting up with stuff that drains your energy or constantly annoys you."
Here's more from Anne:
Tolerations such as an uncompleted home or work project can weigh you down and take the joy out of your day. They have a tendency to creep up on you when you don't set personal boundaries for a life of being treated well and respected by others. Eliminating your tolerations will give you a greater sense of freedom and increased energy to do what's most important for you.
What in your life - home, work and relationships - are you settling for? Putting up with? or Procrastinating about? What minor tolerations can you dump now without much effort or disruption such as a burned out light bulb in your closet or paying an overdue bill? What major tolerations do you need to consider for the longterm such as an unsatisfying job or complicated relationship with a friend? Quickly list the top 10 things that are causing you stress and frustration. Tackle the simpler things immediately and begin experiencing the lighter weight you are carrying.
To prevent tolerations from creeping up on you in the future, Cheryl Richardson, self-help coach extraordinaire, suggests creating your absolute no list, keep it nearby and revisit it often to take control and protect your quality of life. Hers include: "I will no longer take phone calls during meals." I will no longer keep anything in my home that I no longer take junk mail into my home. I will no longer feel the need to check my email multiple times a day. I will no longer get caught up in other people's drama." You get the picture. What will you no longer tolerate? Remember, you have a better chance of fulfilling your needs when you create boundaries for yourself.
Here are 10 of the 20 tolerations Mark from Mark and Angel Hack Life suggests you eliminate to stop running in place and to reclaim your life. "It's simply a choice you make everyday."
- People who bring you down
- Your own negativity
- A work environment you hate
- Your own tardiness
- All work and no play
- Not getting enough sleep
- Being unprepared
- Inaction
- A mounting pile of debt
- People or beauty ads that make you feel inadequate
Live your life to its fullest today and everyday! Anne
Anne E. Baker, Life and Career Coach
Thanks, Anne! And if you want to thank her directly, you can reach her at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
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