This page lists all the articles on PSP about sleeping problems.

To view sleeping advice that is specific to babies, click here.

To view sleeping advice that is specific for toddlers and kids, click here.


Partner Parenting

Studies show that women still do more household chores than their partner, including childcare and maintenance. Some call it the invisible workload; others refer to it as the household gender gap or the second shift. Interesting data can be found elsewhere (like this 2016 Huffington Post article) and PSP members have plenty of anecdotal evidence. PSP members alsohave useful tips and advice about how they distributed childcare tasks. This article

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Co-sleeping and Returning to Work

The following thread originally appeared on our Working Moms Group about how to transition from a bed-sharing situation with your little one and returning to work.. Be sure to check out more general advice from PSP members about co-sleeping here!

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How to Keep Baby Asleep on Noisy Street

How do you ensure your baby gets some snores and zzzzz's when it's all sirens and beep beeps?

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My 9-year-old Insomniac

One parent asked the Park Slope Parents ADVICE list about what to for her 9 year old insomniac.  Here are the responses she received.

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Does Crying It Out Work for a 3yo?

Do you have a sleepless, anxious toddler?  Here one parent asks about what to do to beat sleepless nights with her constantly crying tot. Park Slope Parents unite with some collective encouragement on how to get your little one to bed.


Sleeping Babies & Dear Doggies

One parent raised the following dilemma: “how do parents meet competing needs of all beloved household creatures when they don't fall together, time-wise?’

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Sleeping Suggestions for a Toddler who Refuses to Sleep

Parents share their collective wisdom on how they got they terrible twos to sleep.

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Refusing to Nap at Daycare

Is your toddler refusing to nap at Daycare? Parents share their tips of how they handled this situation.

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Tips for getting your child to fall asleep alone.

PSP member tips for getting your child to fall asleep alone.


Afternoon Naps and Pre-School/ Daycare

PSP members talk about how to handle sleep schedules at daycare and preschool.

Need help navigating the early childhood education process? We've got you covered with the PSP Guide to Finding and Securing Daycare and the PSP Guide to Finding and Securing Preschool, which feature application advice, tips compiled from PSP members, and much more—AND they're available to members at a reduced price. Check out our Guides Library HERE

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Night Waking/Screaming

Information about a how to get a once solid sleeper back to sleep in the middle of the night.


Transitioning from Two Naps to One - 14 month old

Parents discuss how they jumped from 2 naps to 1 with your ever wakeful toddler.


How to cool a windowless nursery

Ideas ro solve a classic city problem: cooling a windowless kid's room!


Sleep Sacks

PSP members share their experiences about the success of their babies sleeping in a sleep sack.



Discussions about the pros and cons of co-sleeping.

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Moving your child into their own bed/crib

Recommendations for moving an infant out of their parents' bed to their own crib...


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Quiet Time in Place of the Lost Nap

Ways to get your toddler to rest quietly in lieu of napping...

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Advantages to The End of Napping

Some parents dread the nap time bubble bursting. But as some parents share, it comes with some big perks.


Sleep Book Recommendations and Resources

PSP members recommend books about children's sleeping habits and training.


Nursing vs. Not Nursing at Night

To nurse or not to nurse at night? PSP members share their experience and problems with nursing at night.


Sleep Deprived 4 month old

Help for a parent whose baby only wants to sleep when held.


Cry It Out vs. No Cry Sleep Solutions

Answers from a few threads that covered many of the different positions about Cry it out vs. No Cry it Out solutions.


Help for Nighttime Anxiety and Wake-Ups

Wondering what is causing your baby to wake up in the night? Here are some PSP member ideas of what might be up—and what you can do to help.



Help! My 3 1/2 month old Won't Nap!

What to do with a 3.5-month-old who won't nap...

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Nap Strike

Advice to the question, "Is my child giving up their nap?"

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Bedtime Rituals

Information on helping the transition from waking to sleeping a great event.

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Top Tips for Early Wake-Ups

“He’s waking up like he’s the CEO of a company,” says one PSP member of a 9-month-old who can’t seem to sleep past 5 am. If your baby or toddler is rising with the sun and refusing to go back down, you’re not alone, but these tips compiled from years of PSP wisdom can help you salvage a few minutes of shut-eye.


How to Help a Baby with Crib Anxiety

"Is anyone else dealing with (or dealt with) sleep / crib anxiety?" asked a PSP member to their baby group. If you are experiencing this too, here are helpful replies to read from PSP members who also experienced this situation. 

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How to Get Kids Out of Bed in the Morning

Wondering how to get your kid out of bed in the morning? You are not alone with this problem! Here, PSP parents share how they successfully get their teen/tween out of bed in the morning.


Tips for Daylight Saving

Daylight saving time arrives and departs annually at 2 am local time. In spring, clocks move forward (think: "spring forward"); in fall, they go back (think: "fall back").

Read on for some advice about adjusting to the time changes.


