All you need to know about traveling while pumping and flying with breast milk. From security, to the gate, up in the air and even on the way back - Park Slope moms share their experiences about flying with breast milk and pumping (plus tips for alternatives to breastmilk). Includes advice from some of our amazing working moms about what they did when they had to travel for business!
New Parent Big Stuff
Moms who pump at work are more and more a routine part of today's workplace. Here are some valuable tips for new moms from our network of seasoned pumping pros. Also includes advice on what to wear, scheduling, storage and transportation, and more.
Advice from Park Slope Parents members for parents with children in the hospital.
Parents discuss how fathers and partners can bond with their baby.
Are you wondering how to deal with a baby with colic? Here are some tips and advice from PSP parents about helping a colicky baby.
No two birth experiences are alike and a mother's transition from labor and delivery to new motherhood can be vastly different. For some , moving out of a traumatic birth experience (TBE) can take a long time to happen. Some have been physically injured by the birth of their baby, and postpartum care doesn't always address these health issues. Others are impacted by anxiety, anger and disappointment around their birth as well as full blown
...PSP members share their personal experiences with post-partum depression (PPD) and Perinatal Mood and Anxiety Disorder (PMAD).
Wondering how and when to cut baby's nails? Here are PSP members' tips.
Are you feeling stressed out and feeling alone? Do you find yourself wondering if you could have post partum depression (PPD) or a Perinatal Mood and Anxiety Disorder (PMAD)? Here are a list of warning signs from the Post Partum Depression Center, as well as links to personal experiences and stories from local parents about how they deal with feelings of stress and depression.
Resources and advice for parents with preemies.
Trying to find non-leaking diapers? Check here.
A list of recommended songs for new parents.
Advice on introducing your dogs or cats to your baby.
One person's experience's with Separation of Pubic Symphysis.
Advice about getting kids to give up the "passy" as well as a few arguments for allowing kids to keep using the pacifier.
Also check out this vintage New York Times article for inspiration on the transition: Covered in Pacifiers, Trees Signal a Rite of Passage
Are you having trouble breastfeeding? You are not alone. Here, PSP members share how they coped with problems breastfeeding.
Is breast always best? Mothers share their experiences about stopping breastfeeding/ pumping, coping with the stigma of switching to formula, and overcoming guilt.
PSP members share advice about frozen breast milk, from shipping it to packing and traveling with it.
PSP moms talk about how they solved problems with breast pumping and share things to try when what you are doing isn't working!
If you think you'll be going back to work and pumping, get a second pump for your office.
So your freezer is starting to get full and you are wondering what to do with all that breast milk. Is donation an option? Here are some tips from local parents.
Wisdom compiled from PSP members for those looking to kick off the weaning process.
Also check out our pages on Night Weaning and Baby Led Weaning.
Not yet a member of Park Slope Parents? Join us today to get access to a community of families who can share wisdom on the same experiences you're going through!
Advice on Keeping a sleepy baby awake for breastfeeding.