Tips and advice for creating a happy and healthy Nanny relationship


Doc Fox's Lessons for Better Communication

Some of you might not know that Founder Susan Fox has her Ph. D. in Communication (from a gazillion years ago). She still teaches a graduate level Interpersonal Communication Course at NYU every so often and at the end of the semester I hand out a documnet called, "Doc Fox's Lessons for Better Communication."

When she mentions it to people they say they'd love to see it. So here it is; raw, un-prettied up, and for your knowledge. So come sit

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Changing Nanny's Job Description and Figuring Out What To Do With Nanny When the Kids Transition to School

It's inevitable that your childcare needs will change as your kids grow older or work schedules change. But what can you do to still keep your nanny? According to PSP Nanny Survey Data, only 12% of nannies transition into the afterschool pick up. Here are some words of wisdom from PSP members who have changed their nanny's job description over time.

This article contains a summary and the advice from two discussions on the PSP advice forum.


Nanny 101: Reviews & Renewing Contracts

Nanny Performance Reviews

Conducting performance reviews for your nanny is essential for maintaining a positive working relationship.  Park Slope Parents recommends having a review with a new nanny at one month, three months, and yearly (near or on the nanny’s official hiring date). If there are areas you know that you’d like improvement, we hope that you’ve been logging those and bringing them up already so it won’t come as a shock to the nanny. If things are generally going


Separation Anxiety with Baby: Adjusting to Nanny

Working moms talk about how their baby adjusted to nanny and overcoming baby’s separation anxiety.


FAQs about the Nanny Relationship

Frequently asked questions about the nanny relationship, answered.

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What to Pay Your Nanny Overnight

This article looks at what PSP members pay their nanny when they need childcare overnight. You will find what members revealed in the most recent Nanny Survey (2015) and shared across our groups.


Firing Your Nanny

This article talks through the ins and outs of what you need to know and the steps you need to take for terminating your caregiver.

The PSP Guide To Hiring a Nanny/Babysitter: Step 5: HOW can I make this a great working relationship?

Learn about doing doing due diligence and the precautions you need to take - both before you hire and on the job.


The PSP Guide To Hiring a Nanny/Babysitter: Step 4: HOW can we seal the deal?

This section talks you through making a final decision, final offer, and orienting your new nanny.

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Best practices for hiring/bringing back a nanny in the time of coronavirus

Hopefully some of these questions will be easy to answer if you’ve been having frequent, open conversations with your nanny about how they’re doing, whether they’ve been sick, and their family situation.


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Transitioning a Nanny to Part-Time

 Transitioning your nanny from being full-time to part-time is a frequently talked about issue with our members. Whether the kiddo(s) are starting school, daycare, or preschool, the transition can raises a lot of questions about pay, expectations, and more as you can piece together many different arrangements. This article summarizes the advice and multiple perspectives of parents who dealt with this change: some kept their nanny full-time in a


Nanny Perks: Nanny Bringing Child with Them?

What PSP members think about a nanny bringing their child with them to work.



It's Fall! Prepare your Nanny for upcoming changes!

Lots of you are sending your kids to school in the fall and your nanny is transitioning to a child attending pre-school, Pre-K, Kindergarten and beyond…


Nanny and Foul Weather Days: What is the Right Thing To Do?

Hurricanes, blizzards, and foul weather forecasts: oh my! Bad weather can wreak havoc: transport halts, schools close, and work schedules get rearranged. What happens to your nanny? Maybe you don’t need your nanny to come in anymore, or your nanny can’t get to work because the subway stopped or their own, personal childcare needs fall through. Do you pay your nanny for the day off? Or do you not pay? Here PSP members share their experiences.


Maternity Leave for a Nanny: What to do When Your Nanny is Pregnant

Wondering what to expect your nanny is expecting? What do you do when your nanny is pregnant? How do you manage maternity leave? Or what if they want to bring their baby to work? PSP members share how they handled their caregiver expecting their own little one.


Nanny Perks: Working Out While on the Job

A PSP member's nanny asked if she could go to the gym while she was working. Members discuss the pros and cons of giving a nanny this perk.


Unanticipated "Time Off": What Works, What Doesn't, and What's Fair

Wondering what to do when there is unanticipated "time off" and you find yourself *not really* needing your nanny to come in?


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What To Do About a Nanny Who is Late

Love and adore your nanny, but hate that they're late? PSP members debate this dilemma.

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Nanny and Paid Vacation

 This question comes up frequently on Park Slope Parents: "When we hired our nanny we told her that she would get 2 weeks paid vacation. It now turns out she may get around 5 weeks as we will be away for a lot of the summer. How have folks dealt with the situation?"


Park Slope Parents and Nannies- Making the Relationship Great!

More than anything Park Slope Parents wants to help those who employ nannies to develop and maintain positive relationships with their nannies. To that end we're re-posting an abridged version of some of the information that we have on the PSP website about communication, compensation, respect, and appreciation that will help you build a strong relationship that begins and ends well.


Nanny Raises and More

Wondering when you should give your nanny a raise?

